
Traitor Karyakin said that "his heart felt warmer" after fighter jets bombing Ukraine flew overhead

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Karyakin supports the war against Ukraine

World Rapid Chess Champion (Astana, 2012) and World Blitz Champion (Doha, 2016) Sergey Karyakin was impressed by the military parade that took place in Moscow on May 9. The traitor to Ukraine, who received a Russian passport in 2009, emphasized the air part of the event.

Karyakin said this in an interview with the propaganda channel Match TV. The accomplice of Vladimir Putin's dictatorial regime and ardent Z-patriot added that despite the bad weather, after the fighter and bomber flights, he "felt somehow warmer in his soul."

"I am honored that you invited my wife and me to Red Square on May 9. Of course, we liked everything, but I would like to emphasize the flight of aircraft and the Russian flag in the sky over the square. It was really very meaningful and cool: there were some concerns about the weather and security issues. However, the planes flew over, and it made my heart feel warmer. Despite the May cold, all the guests were happy to sit and watch, and it did not affect the festive mood," said Karyakin.

It should be noted that MiG-29 fighters, Su-30 bombers and Su-25 attack aircraft took part in the air part of the parade in Moscow. All of them are used by the criminal army of the Russian Federation in the war against Ukraine.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, the 2002 world chess champion Ruslan Ponomaryov diagnosed Serhiy Karyakin with "something is changing in his brain".

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