
"Nature does not tolerate": Valuev said that the destruction of the UK would save the world from problems

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Valuev has spoken out about the UK

Former world heavyweight champion Nikolai Valuev is upset that Great Britain still exists. The State Duma deputy joined the wishes of the president of the Russian Ski Racing Federation Elena Välbe to "throw a serious bomb on London".

Valuyev said this in an interview with the Sport24 portal. The henchman of Vladimir Putin's dictatorial regime and an ardent Z-patriot in the best traditions of Russian propagandists added that the destruction of Great Britain would rid the world of many problems, forgetting about the constant threats from the Russian Federation.

"This is not a case for all sorts of media spin. If we imagine that in any of the previous six centuries the British Isles had abruptly gone to the bottom of the sea, then the rest of the world would indeed be dramatically less troubled for a certain period of time - here Vyalbe is right. But human nature and the nature of the universe does not tolerate emptiness. Others will take the place vacated. We are adults," said Valuev.

Earlier, Olympic champion Svetlana Zhurova called Vyalba's words about a bomb on London a joke, which in the West "for some reason do not understand."

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