
Symbol of honor, valor and glory: Bohun Special Forces Brigade receives its own flag

Lilia RagutskaSociety
Symbol of honor, valor and glory: Bohun Special Forces Brigade receives its own flag

The First Separate Special Forces Brigade named after Ivan Bohun has received a battle flag. The brigade's commander, Colonel Oleh Uminsky, received it from the hands of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

The presentation of the battle flag took place as part of the celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, which took place on September 1 on the territory of the National Historical and Architectural Museum "Kyiv Fortress". This was reported by the 1st Separate Special Forces Brigade of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The First Separate Special Forces Brigade received its battle flag today. It was presented to the brigade commander, Colonel Oleh Uminsky, by the President of Ukraine, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Volodymyr Zelensky. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces! Glory to the soldiers of Bohun!" the brigade's Telegram channel reads.

The soldiers see a special symbolism in the fact that the battle flag was presented to them on the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, in recognition of the brigade's merits in bringing the Victory closer.

"The presentation of the battle flag, the highest value of a military unit, is a recognition of the merits of Bohun's brigade. The flag is a symbol of honor, valor and glory. We congratulate all our comrades and wish them to carry this flag with honor and dignity until Victory!" the brigade emphasized.

In addition to the 1st Separate Ivan Bohun Special Forces Brigade of the 9th Army Corps of the Land Forces, the battle flags were presented to the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Land Forces, the 37th Separate Marine Brigade of the Naval Infantry Command of the Ukrainian Navy, 65th Separate Coastal Missile Division of the 360th Separate Coastal Missile Brigade of the Navy, 130th Separate Territorial Defense Battalion of the 241st Separate Territorial Defense Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As a reminder, on October 1, Zelenskyy and the military command congratulated Ukrainian heroes on the Day of Defenders.

"Hard times have made us strong. And the strong bring victorious times closer. Step by step. Today, tomorrow, every day, every minute. No one has or will be able to "turn off" our resilience, endurance, strength, and courage, either planned or accidentally. They do not have an expiration date, a deadline, or an end point after which we would stop resisting and fighting, except for one - our victory. As we bring it closer every day, we say: "We will fight as long as it takes!" We did it in the first minutes of February 24, we have been doing it all these 585 days and we will continue to do it," the President said in his greeting.

During the festivities on the occasion of the state holiday, the Head of State presented state awards to the soldiers. In addition to representatives of the military and political command of Ukraine, the ceremony was attended by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. He arrived in Kyiv on October 1 and joined Zelensky in honoring Ukrainian heroes.

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