
Experts have named effective ways to stop panic attacks

Anna CherkasovaSociety
Experts have named effective ways to stop panic attacks

From childhood, we hear about the need to take care of our health. However, most often we think only about our physical body, forgetting about the emotional component. For many years, it was not customary or even shameful to take care of one's own mental state. Therefore, over time, this has led to an increase in the incidence of panic attacks - sudden attacks of panic, fear, or anxiety that have both physical and emotional symptoms.

The manifestations of panic attacks vary from person to person, but most people need professional help. Healthline, in consultation with clinical psychologist Jacqueline Johnson, has identified common symptoms of panic attacks and advised on how to overcome them.

Causes of panic attacks

A panic attack can occur in the midst of general calm, but it is often triggered by a specific trigger. So, you are most likely to have an attack if:

You have a panic disorder;

Have an anxiety disorder;

Use certain psychoactive substances;

Have a condition that includes psychosis;

Take certain medications;

Have an overactive thyroid gland.

In addition, some people note that a panic attack can be triggered by public speaking, conflict, or a reminder of previous stress.

Symptoms of a panic attack

A panic attack starts suddenly and reaches its peak within a few minutes, and its manifestations can vary. Generalized symptoms are usually as follows:

Strong and rapid heartbeat;


Feeling of shortness of breath;


Nausea and indigestion;

Dizziness and weakness;


Feeling of unreality;

Fear of losing control and common sense;

Fear of death.

How to overcome a panic attack?

Cognitive behavioral therapy

It can be quite difficult to deal with a panic attack alone. Behavioral therapy can help you change your perception of difficult situations and find the best way out of them. In addition, such therapy can affect the brain structures responsible for panic symptoms. Although this claim needs further study, an experiment conducted among 37 participants in a mindfulness program showed that participants were able to better manage symptoms through their own thought processes after treatment.

Use proper breathing

Because hyperventilation can be a symptom of a panic attack, you need to learn to control yourself and breathe deeply and slowly during an attack.

Agroup of research ers suggested that deep breathing can increase feelings of relaxation and comfort and reduce symptoms of arousal, anxiety, anger, and depression.

Recognize that it is a panic attack

If you recognize that you are having a panic attack, you can remind yourself that it is temporary and that you will be safe soon. This will help you avoid the fear of death and try to use other ways to stop the attack.

Practice mindfulness

Since a panic attack can rob you of your sense of reality, try mindfulness exercises. This will help you prevent or deal with the attack. Mindfulness training can include recognizing your own emotional state or meditating to reduce feelings of anxiety or stress.

You can also choose an object in a visible place to focus on during an attack. For example, watch the clock, noting the shape of the watch, the size of the hand, and the color of the dial.

Use muscle relaxation

Tense muscles indicate excessive anxiety, so knowing how to relax one group and then the whole body can help during a panic attack. Relaxation techniques work best if you learn them while you are at rest and use them during an attack.

Imagine a happy place

You can improve your condition during a panic attack by using imagination, as it can reduce stress and anxiety. Studies show that spending time in nature and visualizing nature have the same positive effect on excessive anxiety.

During an attack, try to imagine a quiet and peaceful place and describe it in your mind with the slightest detail.

Engage in moderate exercise

Regular physical activity is not only good for the body, but also improves mental health. If you are not very physically active, consult your doctor before starting to exercise and choose moderate exercise that does not lead to hyperventilation or difficulty breathing, such as meditation or yoga.

Use lavender

Lavender is a well-known stress reliever. Experts note that it has a calming effect, but is not addictive and does not cause withdrawal symptoms. Before using lavender essential oil, make sure you do not have an allergic reaction and follow the instructions.

Take your medications

In some cases, specialists may prescribe benzodiazepines to relieve the symptoms of a panic attack. It should be noted that these medications do not treat the underlying anxiety disorder and are highly addictive. That is why they are used only for a short time.

A panic attack is an unpleasant condition that can significantly impair the quality of life. Unfortunately, it cannot always be prevented or effectively controlled. However, timely awareness of the problem and willingness to deal with it will help to eliminate negative factors as much as possible and find emotional peace.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL talked about the famous actress's reaction to stress. Snizhana Babkina said that she had a panic attack on an airplane, which meditation helped her overcome.

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