
What to fertilize in August in the garden and in the garden: instructions for a summer resident

Alina MilsentNews
What to fertilize in August in the garden. Source: Created with the help of AI

The last month of summer is a busy time for gardeners and vegetable growers. Not only do you need to take care of the first harvest, but you also need to take care of certain crops that still need to be fertilized.

August fertilization is called autumn fertilization because plants need time to absorb nutrients, and this happens in early fall. Pay attention to the soil temperature: in August, it is quite high, so the root system absorbs fertilizers faster. OBOZ.UA tells you what you should fertilize in the garden at the end of summer.

How to fertilize garden crops

The first step is to fertilize winter crops. When digging, add fertilizer – 10 kg of rotted manure, a glass of chalk, and a tablespoon each of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Organic matter will always come in handy: you can add humus or compost (4 kg/m²). When choosing bird droppings, be careful - they are usually very concentrated, so only 2 kg per square meter is enough. Wood ash is a great soil deoxidizer.

Among mineral fertilizers, superphosphate is the most useful and versatile, as it dissolves quickly and is well absorbed by the root system.

Siderata plants nourish the garden by rapidly growing green mass. Experts advise sowing them immediately after harvesting, and before frost, mow them and embed them in the dug up soil. The best green manure is cereals or beans, as well as calendula, buckwheat, and mustard.

How to fertilize the garden

Fruit trees will benefit from phosphorus-potassium complex fertilizers and organic matter – this will not only nourish the crops but also make them more cold-resistant. You can also apply monophosphate, double superphosphate, and potassium sulfate under fruit trees.

Experts recommend laying dry chicken manure under the berry bushes or watering them accordingly. Fertilizing with ash, potassium sulfate, superphosphate, and potassium salt will be useful.

Do not allow soil depletion under ornamental flowers, as this will immediately negatively affect flowering. The best fertilizer is organic: ash, chicken manure, and various herbal infusions. As for mineral fertilizers, you should choose nitrophoska or potassium salt.

Magnesium increases frost resistance, phosphorus improves metabolism, and potassium will help store nutrients.

Roses are very demanding plants, and it is important to note that you should not fertilize them with nitrogen in late summer. Root watering with tincture of ash, a solution of superphosphate, boric acid, and potassium sulfate will be effective.

It is better to mulch hydrangeas with humus, which will help protect the root system from frost and will nourish it for a long time. You can also water the bushes with potassium-phosphorus solutions at the root.

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