
What to add to your washing machine to keep your sheets snow-white: a simple life hack

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Vinegar can help restore your bedding to its pristine condition. Source: Created with the help of AI

After the next wash of your bedding, you may notice that your sheets and duvet covers have lost their brightness and turned gray. This can be caused by hard water and excessive use of detergents.

Of course, bodily secretions that remain on the bedding during sleep also leave their mark. However, laundry experts say that one single product can help solve all the problems at once. According to the Mirror, it is ordinary white vinegar.

Due to its acidity, vinegar can destroy most of the typical dirt that makes bedding dull. It dissolves mineral salts from hard water, destroys soap molecules, and removes the remnants of biological contaminants from fabrics. It also has antiseptic properties - it kills and inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungi, and even viruses. In addition, vinegar has deodorizing properties. It is able to remove all extraneous odors.

However, for the best effect, you should not add vinegar with the main wash, but use it during a separate cycle. Start cleaning your bedding by washing it in the usual way, following all the typical recommendations. Then, do not hang up the sheets, but immediately start another wash cycle using half the dose of powder or gel, to which you add 250 ml of white vinegar to the fabric softener compartment. Set the temperature to the highest possible.

You can dry the laundry in this way in any way - in the machine or in the air. But drying in direct sunlight will allow you to additionally disinfect the bed, because the sun's ultraviolet light destroys harmful microorganisms. At least 1-2 hours in the sun will help to significantly refresh your sheets and duvet covers.

But make sure your bedding is completely dry before putting it in the closet. After all, residual moisture can cause mold to develop in the fabrics. If you want additional treatment of fabrics against infections, then iron the bed before putting it in storage.

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