
The season is not over: what you can plant in your vegetable garden in October

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Do not hurry to end the season - in October you can sow some vegetables. Source: Created with the help of AI

In October, the first serious cold weather comes, but this month cannot be called the end of the vegetable gardening season. Some vegetables are good to sow at this time - they have time to take root, and then fall asleep for the winter to sprout independently with the first warmth.

About such vegetables tells OBOZ.UA. The important rule is to choose cold-resistant varieties, this nuance should be indicated on the package with planting material.


If you plant onions in October, choose the moment so that before the onset of cold remained 15-20 days. This is how long the plant needs to root. Dig holes 7-10 cm deep and plant bulbs in them at intervals of 4-6 cm to 10-12 cm, depending on the onion variety. The distance between the rows should be about 30 cm. And choose a well sunlit area for the bed. Do not forget to mulch the crops.


Garlic also needs time to root, so it is better to plant it in the first half of October. For sowing, choose teeth without signs of damage, lesions or diseases. Deepen the seed into the ground according to its size. The main thing is that the layer of earth above the neck does not exceed 1.5-2 cm. Plants are distanced from each other by 10 cm, and the distance between the rows is laid 20-25 cm. Garlic, like onions, should be covered with mulch.


For sowing in October, it is better to choose early-ripening and medium-ripening varieties of carrots. Work is carried out at the beginning of the month, so that the vegetable takes root. The site is flat, without slopes and well protected from the wind. Best suited beds where cucumbers, tomatoes or potatoes grew before - there will be soil of more optimal composition. Too dense soil is better loosened by adding sand. It is also good to apply mineral fertilizers before sowing carrots for the winter. The interval between the rows of plants is laid 15-20 cm. The seed is deepened into the ground by 2-3 cm, after which it is wrapped with earth or humus. Last carrots mulch dry peat.

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