
Not much time left: what can still be planted in the garden until the end of July

Anna OnishchenkoNews
What can be planted in the garden in mid-July. Source: freepik.com

More than half of the summer is over, which means that the season of active gardening is behind us. However, this does not mean that your beds will be empty until spring.

Planting in late July and early August has its own peculiarities. TSN will tell you what crops you can plant and how to get the best result.


In the second half of summer, you can plant a wide variety of salad crops, such as lettuce, watercress and arugula. Although these are quite cold-resistant plants, their seeds germinate at 6-8 degrees, and the seedlings easily tolerate the last frost. They can be sown throughout the summer every 2 weeks to have greens all the time.

Choose summer and autumn salad varieties because they can withstand heat better and remember to water them regularly. Lack of moisture can make the salad bitter.


Spinach is one of the best crops for late planting. As a rule, it is sown until July to get mature leaves, and until mid-August to have a young harvest. In this case, varieties that are resistant to stalking are chosen for sowing.


Dill can be planted in the garden every couple of weeks until the fall. It grows quickly on well-compacted, fertile soils with good light. Under such conditions, you will see the first sprouts in 13-18 days after sowing. However, in the heat, you need to ensure regular watering, because a lack of moisture will cause the dill leaves to become small and coarse.


Beets can be planted three times per season: in the spring to get a harvest for summer consumption, and in early summer to get large fruits for long-term storage. In July, plant the crop to have young root crops in the fall. To accelerate the growth of beets, they should be planted in narrow beds and grown through seedlings.


In early July, you can sow bush beans of early ripening varieties. Even if the weather prevents you from getting a good harvest, the legumes are an excellent green manure and will prepare the soil for the next season.


If you choose the right kind of cabbage and take good care of it, you can get a good harvest even if you sow it in July. Choose early varieties that take no more than 45-55 days to ripen. Oriental crops such as Chinese cabbage are also well suited for planting. They have a relatively short growing season and allow you to get two crops in one season.

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