
Not every driver knows: how to sit behind the wheel of a car correctly

Yulia PoteriankoNews
The more time you spend behind the wheel, the more important the correct body position is

The correct driving position is taught in every driving school. However, many drivers ignore these rules and sit in the way they feel most comfortable. This subsequently leads to neck, shoulder, or lower back pain. That's why it's important to remind yourself from time to time how to sit behind the wheel correctly.

OBOZREVATEL talks about the basic rules of driving. They are universal for all types of seats and will save you from physical discomfort during a long trip.

The angle of inclination is important

If you lean back too much while driving, you'll put more strain on your neck and shoulders. And a straight seat is not good for your lower back. Therefore, the angle between the seat and the backrest should be about 100-110 degrees. This way you will be most comfortable. At the same time, the pressure on your back should be uniform over the entire area – from shoulders to hips. If the driver's seat does not have lumbar support, you can use a special pillow to provide lumbar support.

The right height

In a well-adjusted seat, the driver's eye level should be about 8 cm above the top of the steering wheel. There should be sufficient headroom and all instruments should be fully visible. The knees should be only slightly bent and not touch the inside of the seat edge to ensure that blood circulation in the legs is not impaired.

The right distance

To make it comfortable for your hands to hold the steering wheel, they should not be fully straightened, but not pressed against your body. To do this, leave approximately 30 cm between the steering wheel and your body, with your arms bent at an angle of approximately 120 degrees. The wrists should be in a loose position, even when the driver needs to grip the top of the steering wheel.

Pedal work

In addition to having free and relaxed legs, the driver's feet should be able to operate the pedals easily. To achieve this, the seat position should be such that when the pedal is fully depressed, the driver does not have to lift his or her back from the seat.

Position of the headrest

When braking suddenly, the driver may suffer whiplash injury to the neck. It occurs when the cervical spine is suddenly extended when the body is pressed against the seat by inertia. This can be prevented by the position of the headrest. It should be adjusted in the middle of the driver's head and not push it forward.

Seat belt

The seat belt is a lifesaver in a severe impact if it is properly positioned on the torso. To do this, it should run from the shoulder along the chest. In no case should it be at the level of the throat – this is fatal. Also, the tension of the belt should not be too tight, the palm of your hand should easily go under it. But it should not be too loose either, which is why it should not be fastened over warm outerwear. It is better to take off the down jacket while driving, or at least unzip it.

Adjusting the mirrors

After you have adjusted the driver's seat so that you are comfortable and safe, take care of the rearview mirrors. Their location should provide an overview of the car and traffic behind and to the side of it so that the driver does not have to stretch his neck.

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