
NATO must recognize Russian occupation of southern and eastern Ukraine - Putin in the interview with Carlson

Mikhail LevakinNews
Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson

NATO countries can, if they wish, "dignify" the fact that the Ukrainian territories captured by the Russian invaders allegedly made an "independent decision" to become part of the Russian Federation. There are options for this.

This is the opinion of the dictator of the aggressor country, Russia, Vladimir Putin. He said this to American propagandist Tucker Carlson.

Carlson noted that it would be "too humiliating" for NATO to recognize the occupation of Ukrainian territories as an alleged "independent decision" by Ukrainians. In response, Putin said that there is always a way out. "Let them think about how to do it with dignity," he clarified.

Putin also repeated the thesis that Ukraine as a state had never existed, and the word "Ukrainian" only indicated that a person lived somewhere on the outskirts of the state, "near the edge."

The Russian dictator added that he was willing to negotiate, "Russia has never refused to negotiate with Ukraine, let Ukraine cancel its decree and enter into negotiations."

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