
In Russia, fishermen were awarded medals with inscriptions in Ukrainian at a competition: one of the participants threw a tantrum. Photo

Lilia RagutskaNews
A new scandal erupts in Russia over awards with inscriptions in Ukrainian

In the Altai Territory of the Russian Federation, participants in a fishing competition were awarded medals with inscriptions in Ukrainian. The organizers attached them to Russian tricolors.

One of the competitors threw a tantrum over this, and the organizers are facing an inspection by security forces. This was reported by ASTRA.

"In the Altai Territory, fishermen were awarded medals in Ukrainian at a competition. Medals with inscriptions in Ukrainian are attached to the Russian tricolor. His medal for third place was posted on social media by one of the participants of the competition, outraged by the fact that "only yesterday two guys from Vovchikha", where the competition was held, were killed," the report says.

The organizers of the competition – representatives of the Pryborove hunting and fishing consumer cooperative - were quick to make excuses: they said they "did not pay attention to the letters when purchasing on one of the most popular sites." They also promised to replace the medals. However, the apology did not save the competition organizers from the consequences: the Russian state agency TFCS announced that they would be checked by law enforcement agencies.

This is not the first time such cases have occurred in Russia since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

For example, in September 2022, diplomas with the coat of arms of Ukraine were handed out to kindergarten students in Chita, Russia. A loud scandal erupted, resulting in the dismissal of both the teacher who handed out the certificates and the head of the preschool.

And in December 2023, children were given certificates with the Ukrainian coat of arms at a competition in Khabarovsk. The last person in the story, which provoked hysteria among the parents of the awarded kindergarteners, was a physical education instructor. The woman who was responsible for printing out the award letters allegedly made a mistake: she found the templates online, printed them, and brought them to the kindergarten.

After the scandal, the Khabarovsk education department was quick to assure that all the "dangerous" certificates had been seized and destroyed, the department organized an investigation into this "unacceptable incident," and pledged to conduct interviews and exams with all employees of educational institutions to test their knowledge of Russian symbols.

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