
How to prepare for a long bus trip: useful life hacks

Albina PanchenkoNews
Tips for preparing for a bus tour

After civilian airplanes stopped flying over Ukraine, bus tours became very popular. It is a quick and convenient way to get almost anywhere. However, you should prepare for such a trip in advance to make it comfortable.

  • Plan the route

Be sure to check the departure date and time, and ask about the availability of luggage storage. If possible, see how the seats are arranged in the bus, whether you can recline and sleep, whether there is a restroom and other amenities to make the journey easier.

  • Ensure your comfort

Bring a comfortable pillow or blanket for a more comfortable seat or rest during the trip. You can also bring noise-canceling headphones or earplugs and a sleep mask so you can sleep at any time.

  • Choose shoes and clothes

This is the most important and difficult part of the preparation. If you have to travel by bus for a long time, your clothes and shoes should be as comfortable as possible. Choose items made of natural, soft materials that do not restrict movement.

It is also recommended to wear several layers of clothing so that you can adapt to the temperature changes inside the bus.

If the weather is expected to be cool, bring a light jacket or down jacket. In case of heat, choose light, breathable fabrics that evaporate moisture well. At the same time, choose clothes that are easy to put on and take off, especially if you plan to change your look many times during the trip.

It's important to have comfortable shoes that allow you to stretch your legs comfortably and do not cause discomfort. You can also take compression socks with you to minimize limb fatigue.

Depending on the weather conditions and your personal preference, you may want to bring a hat or cap to protect yourself from the sun or cold air during your stops.

Remember that you will be spending a long time on the bus, so it is important to analyze the details of your clothes. Pay attention to the comfort of elastic bands, fasteners, and seams to avoid unpleasant sensations. In general, try to choose clothes that will provide you with comfort, adaptability to weather conditions, and convenience during a long bus trip.

  • Prepare food and drinks

Take snacks and drinking water with you, especially if the bus doesn't have any stops. Choose light meals that don't take up much space. Many people take meat, vegetables, and other perishable foods with them. This is a big mistake.

Give preference to protein bars, freeze-dried food, and high-calorie snacks that can be stored at high temperatures for a long time.

For drinking, it is better to choose plain water. Various juices can spoil on the road, and sugary drinks will make you even more thirsty.

  • Take medicines

Even if you never get sick and feel great, you still need to have a first aid kit with you. It should contain medicines for fever, poisoning, pressure surges, pain, etc. Also, take burn treatments, creams with high SPF, and something for mosquito and other insect bites. It will not be superfluous.

  • Take care of the storage of personal belongings

Make sure your valuables and documents are stored in a safe place and are easily accessible to you. To do this, bring a small bag or backpack that you can keep on the top shelf or under the seat.

Also, ask in advance how many suitcases you can take with you and place in the luggage compartment of the bus. Some carriers charge extra money for bags.

  • Bring some entertainment

Good entertainment can help pass the time. It can be books, magazines, music, movies, games on a tablet or smartphone. Don't forget about a portable charger.

Remember that it is dangerous for people suffering from motion sickness to read or watch movies on the road. It can provoke dizziness, dizziness, and even nausea.

  • Don't forget about your own health

During a long trip, it's important to keep your blood circulating properly. Stretch your legs and arms regularly, and do simple exercises like raising your knees or rotating your head and shoulders. Use the stops to walk around a bit.

  • Get some rest before you travel

Try to get some rest and a good night's sleep before a long bus trip. This will help you to be more alert and energetic. Do not eat heavy meals, drink alcohol, and preferably do not work the day before departure. Dedicate this time to packing your suitcase and recuperating.

Remember that a bus trip is not for everyone. So if you have serious back or health problems in general, consider choosing another means of transportation. For example, you can get to your destination by train.

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