
Find the rabbit: a fun puzzle game that will quickly test your attention span

Yulia PoteriankoNews
In addition to a cat and a dog, a rabbit hid in this room. Source: Brightside.

Optical puzzles don't often involve our logic or factual knowledge. But they perfectly develop attention to detail and spatial thinking – quite rare qualities in our time.

And today OBOZ.UA offers to test yourself on the ability to notice the little things. To do this, look at the picture below and try to find the image of a rabbit there. At the same time, challenge yourself – try to complete the task in 8 seconds.

In the picture, you can see a fairly detailed depiction of a teenage girl's room. She is sleeping on a bed with a cat, and a dog is cuddled up on the floor next to her. Around the bed, we see many different little things. They constantly distract attention from the main task – to find the rabbit.

Only about 1% of players can manage to complete it in the allotted 8 seconds. That is, those who have really good attention to detail. If you are in this cohort, you can be proud of yourself. If not, that's okay. Keep searching until you find the right answer on your own. This will help you train your brain and, as experts say, prolong its youth.

For those who can't see the elusive rabbit in the image, we publish the answer to this puzzle. The place where he hid is specially highlighted. As you can see, he has found a shelter behind the vase.

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