
Especially effective in the evening: scientists identified the best types of exercise that help fight depression

Maksym InshakovNews
Physical activity helps to reduce anhedonia, fatigue and subjective cognitive impairment

British scientists have developed a psychophysiological model that explains how exercise helps reduce symptoms of depression. In particular, it refers to aerobic activity such as walking, running, and climbing stairs.

Aerobic exercise involves many muscles, with oxygen as the main source of energy. This type of activity includes walking, running, dancing, cycling, rollerblading, skating and skiing, swimming, as well as zumba, tabata, aerobics, and water aerobics. According to previous studies, such training improves cognitive function regardless of age and is especially effective in the evening.

Physical activity is known for its positive effect on reducing depression symptoms, but the mechanism of this effect has not been fully understood until now.

Experts from University College London have proposed a model that reveals the soothing effect of exercise. Their analysis, which includes numerous human and animal studies, was published in the journal Nature.

The researchers hypothesized that aerobic exercise reduces systemic inflammation, which impairs dopaminergic transmission. These processes affect decision-making related to efforts to obtain rewards. Slower decision-making speed has previously been associated with the risk of recurrent depression after completing a course of antidepressants.

Reducing inflammation helps to improve dopaminergic transmission, which changes the decision-making mechanism for exerting effort for reward, thereby reducing symptoms of depression. According to researchers from University College London, physical activity, by increasing a person's willingness to make efforts to achieve rewards, helps reduce anhedonia, fatigue, and subjective cognitive impairment.

The researchers suggest that understanding these mechanisms will improve existing strategies for treating depression, including increasing the effectiveness of drug therapy.

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