
Comet ATLAS heralds global change: good or bad?

Igor MehedaNews
In 2024, the world saw a record number of comets. What is this sign?. Source: from open sources

The highlight of October will be the observation of comet 2023-A3-ATLAS, which can be seen in the western part of the sky with the naked eye. In this regard, we receive questions from readers: what does the appearance of a comet in the starry sky portend? In various spiritual traditions of the peoples of our planet, comets are considered messengers that carry information about events between worlds. Great souls also travel on comets. If these souls arrive for incarnation, the appearance of a comet portends good events; if the souls leave the Earth, they portend destructive events. However, all astrological schools are convinced that the appearance of comets visible to the naked eye in the sky portends changes on the entire planet, i.e., they have a planetary impact. Comet 2023-A3-ATLAS will be visible from October 12 to 26.

Let me explain right away that the initiation of events by a comet occurs at the perihelion point when the comet is as close to the Sun as possible. The perihelion of comet 2023-A3-ATLAS occurred on September 27, 2024. The comet began to move away from the Sun, and on October 12, the comet will begin its maximum approach to the Earth. The comet's impact is characterized as good. By the way, the comet's approach to the Earth is believed to be a good time to make wishes and make plans for the future. Moreover, the comet's observation will coincide with the Orionid meteor shower.

What do comets portend?

Comets appear in the sky before large-scale events on Earth. It is no coincidence that a comet appeared in the sky, for example, in 1618, just before the start of the Thirty Years' War in Europe. Also, bright comets have appeared on the eve of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine (2013), protests in Belarus (2020), and protests in Kazakhstan (2022).

Over the past decade, we have observed 9 comets! We have published articles about each of them in OBZOR. Let's take a look at an exclusive selection of comets and what happened after they passed perihelion.

  1. Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON ) was discovered on the Equinox, on September 21, 2012. It began to be observed by all astronomy enthusiasts in July 2013. It became visible in the sky in September 2013. It exploded at the perihelion point on the night of November 28-29, 2013. At 7 degrees of the sign of Sagittarius. Many events are associated with this comet. In the Indian epic Mahabharata, there is a prophecy about the change of epochs. The change of epochs should begin when the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are in the sign of Cancer in good aspects to the star Sirius. This constellation occurred on July 8, 2013. It was on July 8 that astronomy enthusiasts began to observe the comet with optical instruments. On the night of November 29, 2013, the comet exploded at its perihelion point. On the same night, protests began, which later led to the Revolution of Dignity. However, similar events in different parts of our planet also took place that night (in more than 70 locations on the geographical map). So this comet is considered to have heralded the beginning of a new planetary era.
  2. Comet NEOWISE C/2020 F3 passed perihelion (the closest point of its orbit to the Sun) on July 3, 2020, at a distance of 43 million km (or 110 distances from the Earth to the Moon) from the Sun and reached a stellar magnitude of at least 5 magnitudes. In August, protests broke out in Belarus.
  3. C/2021 A1 (Leonard) is a comet that was discovered on January 3, 2021. At the time of discovery, it had a stellar magnitude of 19.0. The absolute stellar magnitude of the comet with the coma is 5.3. It was visible from Earth for the first and last time. In December 2021, the comet reached a maximum magnitude of approximately 4 when observed in the evening and morning in the northern hemisphere. On December 13, 2021, the comet approached the Earth at its closest distance of 0.23 AU. Since the comet was moving along a hyperbolic trajectory, it crossed the solar system only once, so there was only one opportunity to see it on Earth. After the comet's appearance, protests began in Kazakhstan, and two months after the comet's appearance, a full-scale invasion of Ukraine began.
  4. C/2022 E3 (ZTF) The comet began to influence events at perihelion on January 12, 2023 and was most clearly visible from Earth on January 17.
  5. C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) passed perihelion on September 17, 2021.
  6. C/2023 H2 Lemmon Perihelion on October 29, 2023, is observed with the naked eye at 6th magnitude.
  7. The perihelion of comet 2023-A3-ATLAS! April 21, 2024. A green comet with two horns that look like a dragon's head.
  8. During the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, all skywatchers were looking for Comet 12P (the "comet with horns like a dragon's head" that I wrote about). Still, in addition to it, another comet SOHO 5008 was unexpectedly recorded. Comet SOHO 5008 came closest to the Sun during the eclipse, and immediately after the eclipse ended, it exploded.
  9. COMET 2023-A3-ATLAS Perihelion on September 27, 2024, maximum approach to the Earth on October 12, 2024.

That is, there are already three comets this year! 12P, SOHO 5008 and 2023-A3-ATLAS. The world will indeed undergo big changes.

Meteor showers

Meteor showers are directly related to comets because they consist of a large number of small particles that are formed as a result of the destruction of large comets. When these particles enter the Earth's atmosphere, they burn up. Then people see "star showers" in the sky. Star showers are considered to be good events: the energy from the burned-up particles can give people a little strength. That's why people make wishes during starfalls. Also, people who are entrepreneurs like to watch starfalls. They say that after watching a starfall, things improve significantly.

In October, we can see two large meteor showers, the Draconids and the Orionids. The Dragonids meteor shower peaks on October 8-10, and the Orionids peak on October 21. And three minor meteor showers: the October Camelopardalids meteor shower – peak on October 5, the Delta Aurigids meteor shower – peak on October 11, and the Southern Taurids meteor shower – peak on October 13.

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