
Care for a walk? Top 5 European cities with the best walking routes

Albina PanchenkoNews
Ideas for traveling

When traveling, you want to see as many places as possible in a short time. The easiest way to do this is by car. But rental prices have risen in recent years, and not all tourists have a driver's license.

The most profitable option is to explore locations on foot. Moreover, the attractions in many European centers are very compact. We have compiled a list of attractions that are best explored on your own.

Seville, Spain

It is impossible not to fall in love with the capital of Andalusia. Majestic palaces, fairy-tale towers, cozy gardens and cobblestone streets are what travelers will find here. The city of bullfighting and Gypsy Carmen immerses you in an atmosphere of passion, mystery and beauty.

We recommend visiting the Alcazar Palace. Its uniqueness lies in the combination of three styles at once: European, Moorish and Gothic. Inside, guests will be amazed by the jewelry decoration of the halls, galleries and courtyards, as well as paintings and ancient tapestries.

When you want to relax, head to the Marie-Louise Park. Orange and olive groves, fragrant flowers, grottoes, ancient sculptures, ponds and waterfalls... Everything you need to escape the heat and bustle!

One of the most unusual religious buildings built in this city is the Cathedral of Santa Maria de la Cede. By the way, it is the largest Gothic church in the world. It is built on the basis of a mosque, but it is also a Catholic church! And the ashes of Christopher Columbus are kept here.

Art lovers are advised to visit the Palace of the Countess of Lebrija. The noble lady gathered here a huge collection of exhibits and masterpieces of ancient and medieval times, as well as creations of oriental masters.

Venice, Italy

The unique city on the water is located on 118 islands connected by 418 bridges. Despite technological progress, the architecture here has hardly changed.

A walk is impossible without visiting the Grand Canal, the soul of Venice. This is the central street that stretches from the train station to the customs. Instead of well-equipped embankments, there are houses with two entrances: to the water and to the land.

Piazza San Marco is considered the heart of the city. It is home to many attractions and historical sites. But the main highlight is a flock of pigeons, which is a must for any photo taken at this point.

The Doge's Palace, the residence of the Venetian rulers, is also located here. The building of the XII century seems to be floating above the ground. This illusion is created by its unusual configuration and openwork lines. Inside, there are lavishly decorated halls, paintings in gilded frames, stucco moldings and decor. In short, everything to please luxury connoisseurs.

And for those who want to plunge into the true Venetian flavor, we recommend going to the Burano district. Here tourists will find colorful streets, brightly colored houses, the best fish restaurant in the city, a museum of local lace, and the sloping bell tower of the San Martino Church.

Athens, Greece

The capital where everything breathes with antiquity, culture, and history. It is full of buildings from time immemorial. They all remind us of gods, heroes, and philosophers.

First, head to the Plaka district. The oldest in the city, it's full of shady streets, traditional Greek houses surrounded by greenery and flowers, and small taverns with friendly owners.

Next, go to the Acropolis and no other way. This is a flat-topped rock that once housed many sculptures and shrines. But only a few have survived to this day: the temple of Nike Apteros, the Erechtheion and the Parthenon.

The Theater of Dionysus is one of the oldest in Greece. It was built in the 5th century BC! Previously, 17 thousand spectators watched comedies and tragedies here. Nowadays, tourists have fun checking out the brilliant acoustics. If one person stays in the orchestra and starts talking, he or she will be heard even from the highest row. Be sure to try it and see for yourself!

The Temple of Olympian Zeus is the largest in the country in its history. It once consisted of 104 columns, but only 16 have survived to this day. According to the descriptions, inside there was a giant statue of the god of thunder and lightning made of gold and ivory.

You can relax after a long walk in the National Garden. It has a mini zoo, a botanical museum and, of course, ancient ruins and mosaic remains.

Cologne, Germany

The third largest and fourth most populous city in the country. A Gothic church, unusual architecture, and modern art are hidden in its center. In short, there is something to see without transportation.

The tour begins with a visit to Cologne Cathedral. This is the second largest church in the world, which began construction in 1248. But the building received its first parishioners only in 1880. Inside, there are unique stained-glass windows with 72 shades, spiral staircases, and exits to observation decks. The most dizzying one is 95 meters high.

If you are interested in contemporary art, visit the Ludwig Museum. The philanthropist has collected about 350 exhibits in the style of abstractionism, pop art, expressionism, and post-impressionism. Masterpieces by Malevich, Kirchner, Picasso and others are kept here.

If you want to check the purity of your soul, visit the Church of St. Martin. It has an altar in the form of a clover and a fragment of an ancient column, which, according to legend, do not allow people with bad thoughts to enter the church. The shrine itself has been reconstructed many times after fires and other disasters. Therefore, it is now protected as the apple of the eye. The outside has a monumental facade, stained glass windows and vaults, but the inside is quite modest, even ascetic.

On the Alter Markt square, travelers are immediately greeted by an unusual sculpture. It depicts two opposite characters of local folklore: the stupid and fat Tünnes and the thin and cunning Schäles. Their story began in 1803 in a puppet theater. As a result, the couple became so popular that they continued to exist in comic performances and jokes. Tourists have a belief that if you stand on the tips of the shoes of both figures and rub the fat man's nose, you can catch your luck by the tail.

Porto, Portugal

An atmospheric city that constantly argues with Lisbon about whose food is tastier and whose views are more beautiful. There are many interesting places here, dozens of which can be seen for free. Unfortunately, we can't fit everything into an article, so we'll tell you about the most iconic ones.

The Church of St. Ildefonso towers over the rest. It was built in the eighteenth century in the Baroque style. The façade was covered with the famous Portuguese blue and white azulejo tiles. The interior is more modest than the exterior but still beautiful. There is gold and bright stained-glass windows that look especially magical in rainy weather.

There is also an interesting location for Harry Potter fans. It is the Lello bookstore. It was here that J.K. Rowling took a break from her husband, whose relationship with her was not going well. And according to rumors, the first pages about the boy who survived were born within these wall.

If you want to feel the spirit of Porto, head to Ribeira Square. Colorful houses in different styles and textures will delight the eye. Walk the streets, look into the courtyards, and see how the locals live.

There is also a piece of France hidden here. The charm of Paris can be seen in the Ponte de Don Luis bridge. The crossing resembles the famous Parisian tower. And all because it was designed by a student of Eiffel.

You can travel even without a car. Most European centers offer a lot of interesting things within walking distance. So we hope that you managed to add to the list of places for your next trip.

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