
Bringing drama and chaos: three zodiac signs most often cause quarrels

Which zodiac signs are more likely to provoke quarrels. Source: Created with the help of AI

Astrologers say that some zodiac signs are endowed with an unrestrained temperament and rarely can contain their emotions. They are active, courageous, independent, and always strive to defend their opinions.

These people will never sit in the shadows and always strive to draw attention to themselves. Sometimes their desire for justice is mistakenly perceived as an excessive tendency to conflict. According to astrologers, Gemini, Leo, and Virgo will never keep quiet if they don't like something.


Gemini is a drama starter without any special needs. The sign ruled by Mercury simply cannot behave otherwise. Gemini are not the kind of people who can be diplomatic and flexible. They always speak and act impulsively. While other signs may be more modest and respectful in their approach to conversation, Gemini speaks first and thinks later, which often leads to trouble.

Gemini love hot-button issues and often provoke disputes in the team. However, they themselves do not notice much conflict. In their opinion, they are just playful, talkative, and cheerful. Topics of conversation chosen by Gemini have the potential to cross the line. Geminis also like to reveal other people's secrets to everyone. On the one hand, they want to hear your secrets and support you in difficult times, such as a breakup or cheating scandal. On the other hand, they can't wait to share it with everyone they know. Frankly, many Gemini character traits lead to unnecessary drama and misunderstandings.


When Leo does not attract attention, he begins to feel a lack of vitality. Leos will definitely not sit in the shadows. They always honestly express their opinions and initiate all activities, entertainment, or discussions in the team. Leos may do little things to get the spotlight back on them, such as telling a crucial story or trying to be the loudest in the room. It's a habit that can cause tension and even a hint of jealousy among those who also aspire to be a leader.

Leos are ruled by the Sun, so they will always attract attention and control the crowd in any way they can. Sometimes this means that Leos can start a low-stakes argument. Leos are easily offended or disrespected. If they decide that they don't like someone in their group of friends, they may resort to playing foul.


Mercury-ruled Virgos are very organized and detail-oriented, which means they can be judgmental. This earth sign believes that their way is the best and only right way, so they will give advice to everyone around them – even if no one wants it.

Although Virgos can be the favorite therapists in a group of friends, they usually tend to be overly dramatic. They share advice and guidance with the best of intentions, so they often don't realize that they can sound arrogant or openly condemn someone's behavior.

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