
Archaeologists found the head of a statue of a woman at the Carlisle dig: what makes it unique. Photo

Inna VasilyukNews
Head found is female. Source: Frank Giecco-Cumberland Council

During large-scale excavations at the site of an ancient Roman bath in Carlisle, northern England, archaeologists discovered more than 4000 artifacts. Among the ancient finds, a special place is occupied by a carved stone head.

According to scientists, it is the head of a woman made with extraordinary skill. Experts note that it is more elegant than the other two heads found at the site in 2023, Arkeonews reports.

The stone head of the woman measures 18 by 13 cm. It has "much more elaborate carvings and is more detailed than the two previous monumental heads," archaeologists say.

Scientists note that the unearthed head resembles a more classical Roman style of sculpture. Although the details are still unknown, it is believed to be a woman found near the possible burial site, with a hairstyle strikingly similar to that of Empress Julia Domna, who popularized the image. These details suggest that the date of the discovery falls within the time of the Roman baths.

Lead archaeologist Frank Giecco said he was "amazed at the amount of quality" treasure that has been found at the site since 2021. The scientist added that although experts have called the site a bathhouse, it was also a "leisure center and headquarters" measuring at least 50 by 60 meters.

"It resembles a set of different offices, religious and social spaces, leisure and administrative spaces," said Frank Giecco.

The archaeologist stressed that the diggers found more than 4,000 important finds, including more than 700 Roman coins, painted plaster walls, military artifacts such as arrowheads and spears, more than 400 pins, tiles with imperial stamping, North African-style roof pipes, glass beads, game objects, and a rare Roman doll.

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