
What is the safest place in the car in case of an accident: the answer will surprise you

Yulia PoteriankoNews
A new study analyzed the safety of older cars

Every country pays a lot of attention to road safety, studying all its aspects and changing the rules. This is how researchers calculated which car seat is the safest.

As Sante Plus writes, all rear-row seats are traditionally considered safer than the front seats. But the middle rear seat has long been considered the most successful in terms of safety. It supposedly receives the least damage during an impact.

The fact is that deformation and mechanical impact are experienced in the areas of the car that are closer to the point of impact, which is on the outer walls. And the middle of the cabin, where this seat is located, is the farthest away from them, so the damage here is often minimal.

However, recent tests have shown that this is not really the case. The researchers studied not modern cars, but older models that had not yet been equipped with modern safety systems. And it turned out that in such cars, the back seats are more dangerous than the front seats. And the most secure place was the front passenger seat.

However, it should be noted that the test results clearly stated that this "rule" applies only to adults. For children under 14, the rear seats remain safer, regardless of the car model - modern or old. And the researchers once again insisted that the seat belt should be fastened in any case, all distractions for the driver should be minimized, and children should be in special car seats.

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