Users report Telegram outages: what is known
On the afternoon of September 10, Telegram experienced a massive outage. Users complained about slow loading of content and messages.
About 70% of users are unable to access the app, and another 20% cannot send messages. This is evidenced by data from the Downdetector portal.
Massive problems with the messenger began around 12:00. Over the next 30 minutes, the number of complaints about Telegram problems decreased.
According to preliminary data, users from different countries are experiencing the outage. As of 12:50, Telegram's work in Ukraine has begun to recover.
Residents of the aggressor country Russia also complained that they could not use the messenger. Most reports of the service failure come from Russians in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
As a reminder, most Ukrainians are against blocking Telegram in our country. However, they support some restrictions and control. Only 26% believe that this messenger should not be controlled at all.
As previously reported, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kyrylo Budanov, said that he did not support the closure of Telegram but called the resource a threat to Ukraine's national security. Nevertheless, the messenger has become the main source of information for our society, the head of the Defense Intelligence admitted.
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