
The flower that everyone dreams of: how to grow aesthetic ranunculus at home

Anna OnishchenkoNews
How to grow aesthetic ranunculus at home. Source: pixabay.com

Ranunculus is a charming flower that can decorate any home with its bright and colorful blooms. It is very popular because it is quite easy to grow at home.

Planting and caring for ranunculus does not require much effort, but, like any plant, it has its own characteristics and needs. The publication Yaskrava Klumba told us about the optimal conditions for buttercup.

Ranunculus, also called buttercup, is a low plant about 30 cm tall with small, dense, double flowers. At home, they can be grown from both seeds and tubers.


The soil for buttercups should be neutral, light, moisture-rich and loose. Avoid heavy and dense substrates. Water the soil with a fungicide solution before planting.


The germination rate of ranunculus seeds is quite low, so it is worth observing some conditions when planting them.

Sowing is usually carried out at the end of February. Then seeds are sown in the soil and covered with a film. Flowers germinate at temperatures between plus 15 and minus 17 degrees. Crops should be kept in a lighted place and regularly ventilated. After 2-3 weeks, the film can be removed. You can pinch the plant after the appearance of two pairs of true leaves. The first flowering can be expected in 2 years.

The flower that everyone dreams of: how to grow aesthetic ranunculus at home


If you plant ranunculus tubers, you can expect flowering in 2 months. At home, this is done from February to April.

Before planting, the rhizomes should be soaked in water for 8-10 hours. You can add some fungicides to it to protect the plant from diseases. Also remember that the tubers are very fragile, so you should be careful.

How to plant tubers

Take a pot 20 cm deep. Put drainage on the bottom and cover it with soil so that it does not reach the edge of the pot by 5-7 cm. Place the rhizomes with the tubers down and cover them with soil so that it covers them by no more than 1 cm. It is recommended to plant several plants in one pot at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Then water the buttercup with settled water at room temperature moderately so that no moisture gets on the leaves or flower. Avoid both drying out the soil and excessive moisture.

Where to put the pot

Ranunculus should be placed in well-lit places. The east and west windowsills or the side of the terrace are good. However, on hot sunny days, you should protect the plant from direct sunlight.


The plant should be fertilized once every two weeks. Use organic complex mineral fertilizers with trace elements. Alternate them every other week.

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