
Poles block 5 directions on March 13: more than 1,100 trucks waiting to enter Ukraine

Volodymyr PaziyNews
Blockade of the Ukrainian border by Poles
Blockade of the Ukrainian border by Poles

As of the morning of March 13, the road blocking in the direction of 5 checkpoints continues. We are talking about Dorohusk-Yahodyn, Zosin-Ustyluh, Dolhobychuv-Uhryniv, Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska, and Medyka-Shehyni.

At the border, 1150 trucks are waiting to enter Ukraine. This was reported by a spokesman for the State Border Guard Service on Suspilne. Studio TV channel, the spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS), Andriy Demchenko, said.

There is also a queue in front of the Korchova-Krakivets checkpoint, which is about 500 trucks. "There is a lot of traffic in the direction of the Krakivets checkpoint, because Polish farmers are not blocking this direction at the moment," said Demchenko.

He added that Polish farmers do not allow trucks to leave Ukraine at all at the Yahodyn-Dorogusk, Shehyni-Medika and Uhryniv-Dolhobychuv checkpoints. Over the past day, March 12, not a single truck crossed the border to Poland at these locations.

"Until the evening of March 12, they also did not allow trucks to pass through the Ustyluh checkpoint, which are traveling from Ukraine to Poland. Around 19:00 yesterday (March 12 - Ed.) they resumed the possibility of passage for trucks in this direction, but let several trucks through per hour, and on March 13, from 08:00, they again blocked the possibility of passage through Ustyluh from Ukraine to Poland," Demchenko emphasized.

According to him, on March 12, 100 trucks crossed the Yagodyn-Dorogusk checkpoint towards Ukraine, and 20 trucks crossed the Shehyni-Medica checkpoint.

At the same time, the Poles are planning to expand the blockade starting today. The farmers will resume blocking the Korczowa-Krakowiec checkpoint, which will result in the strike affecting all cargo checkpoints again.

Also, on all roads to the Ukrainian border in Poland, where farmers are protesting, the Polish police will increase security on March 13.

As previously reported by OBOZ.UA, Tusk met with Polish farmers on March 9 who staged protests and blocked the borders with Ukraine. No agreements were reached, so the blockade will continue.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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