
How to protect yourself and cool down in the heat: 8 best tips

Oleksiy LutykovNews
The heat wave continues in Ukraine

Abnormal heat can be harmful to health and even deadly if basic rules are ignored. Very high temperatures have a negative impact on young and old people, pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases alike.

However, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the heat. This is reported by the British Red Cross.

The most basic rules during the heat include drinking plenty of water. However, you can take into account a few more recommendations to feel better.

Stay out of the sun

It's best to avoid going outside during the hottest hours of the day. Still, sometimes it's impossible to do so. Therefore, when you are in direct sunlight, use and regularly renew sunscreen and wear a hat. Take regular breaks indoors or in the shade to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Wearing light, loose-fitting clothing will also help you stay cool.

The colder the skin, the better

Heat is lost through the skin, which is the largest organ in the body. So the more skin you can cool, the better. There are different ways to cool your skin in the heat. Wetting your t-shirt and keeping it moist can be very effective. You can also use a cooling spray or take a cool shower.

You can cool down quickly by putting your hands and feet in cold water. There are many pulse points on your wrists and ankles where the blood vessels are close to the skin, so you will cool down faster.

Drink plenty of water

In the heat, it's important to avoid caffeine and drink plenty of water. If possible, drink isotonic sports drinks to replenish lost salts, sugars, and fluids. Both cool and hot drinks will keep your body temperature at the same level. Drinking hot drinks will not cool you down any more effectively than cold drinks. In the heat of the day, avoid drinks containing caffeine, including tea and coffee. It is best to drink plain water.

Limit your alcohol intake

In the summer heat, many people prefer to cool off with alcoholic drinks. Unfortunately, the combination of excessive sun exposure and excessive alcohol consumption does not lead to a good result. Alcohol causes dehydration, which can hit you especially hard if your body is already struggling to stay cool in the summer. Drinking alcohol can also make it harder to get a good night's sleep, which is already difficult in warmer temperatures.

Eat light meals

When it's hot, it's best to stick to light, balanced, regular meals. Foods high in water, such as strawberries, cucumber, celery, and lettuce, will also help you stay hydrated and cool in the summer weather. You can also eat foods that are high in fluid, such as soups and stews, which help maintain fluid levels in the body.

Limit physical activity

It is important not to disrupt your routine too much because of the hot weather. However, sometimes it may be necessary. An early morning run may seem exhausting when you are sweet and sleepy in bed, but exercising under the scorching sun can be dangerous and can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke. Consider the temperature when planning your day and, if you can, limit physical activity to cooler times.

Keep your home cool

In the heat of the day, it's important to make your home a place to escape the heat, so keeping it cool is key to feeling comfortable. When temperatures reach abnormal heat levels, this can be more difficult than you might imagine, and it's not as simple as opening a window. Keeping your home cool is especially important at night. During heat waves, temperatures often stay high even at night, making it difficult to get a good night's sleep. While this applies to everyone in areas affected by heat waves, people living in high-rise buildings and in urban areas may be particularly affected by this problem. Make sure you take steps to keep your home cool and sleep well during heat waves by following our tips.

Be aware of the risks during a heat wave

Heat can have a serious impact on physical health. It's important to watch out for signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion especially in extreme heat. Many people think that heat exhaustion and heat stroke are the same thing, but heat stroke is potentially much more serious.

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses excess water, salt, and sugar through sweating. It can be treated by drinking plenty of water, avoiding sun exposure, and knowing how to cool down.

Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature becomes dangerously high and the body can no longer cool itself. Symptoms include confusion, headache, nausea, and muscle cramps. Heat stroke can develop without warning and quickly lead to unresponsiveness. It is extremely important to cool the body down as soon as possible by wrapping it in a wet sheet and calling for medical help.

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