
Find the hidden acorn: a mindfulness puzzle

Anna OnishchenkoNews
Find the hidden object in the picture. Source:

The modern world is full of information noise. That's why the human ability to concentrate is getting weaker every year.

With this in mind, more and more Internet users are looking for ways to train their brains and develop mindfulness. One of the most popular and effective methods, namely an online puzzle, was shared by Jagran Josh.

Look at the picture and find the hidden acorn in 11 seconds.

Find the hidden acorn: a mindfulness puzzle

To be successful in this task, you need to have great analytical skills, observation, advanced visual perception, and patience. Some people have these skills from birth, so all they need to do is keep them at a high level. Others can develop them with regular training.

A variety of puzzles and mindfulness games stimulate cognitive functions, strengthen memory, and help develop thinking speed. However, such tasks not only help to develop the mind and improve concentration, but also create a great opportunity to escape from everyday life and relax.

Turning off all external stimuli, a person immerses himself or herself in the process, focusing exclusively on his or her task. This helps reduce stress and anxiety.

If you were able to quickly cope with the task, you can be proud of your intelligence. However, if you have difficulties, don't be discouraged, but continue to develop your skills with other tasks. Now look at the correct answer.

The correct answer

Find the hidden acorn: a mindfulness puzzle

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