
Best of the worst: experts highlight cars among cheap cars from China

Stas SidilevNews
BYD Song Plus
The quality of vehicles has decreased. Source: BYD

Cars from China are known for the worst quality in the automotive world. Although they are characterized by cheapness. This is what attracts buyers. At the same time, experts even in this situation managed to single out the best.

J.D.Power specialists have identified the most qualitative Chinese cars of 2024. And made a corresponding rating. The study was conducted on the basis of owner satisfaction.

The main indicator is the number of breakdowns per hundred cars. It is expressed in a separate coefficient. The higher it is, the worse it is, because it indicates the number of faults.


Among Chinese companies, the average breakdown rate is 216 per 100 cars. In a broader ranking of all companies that make cars in the PRC (including foreign brands), the average breakdown rate is 212 per 100 cars.

The best Chinese cars are:

  1. Chery (203);
  2. Geely (204);
  3. GAC Trumpchi (206).

It is noted that the quality of Chinese cars has declined over the year. At the same time, the cars of global mass brands, which are produced in the territory of China, turned out to be more reliable. It is about Honda (195) and Toyota (200).

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