
7 strange behaviors indicative of a high IQ: Darwin and Einstein confirm it

Inna VasilyukNews
Experts name those strange human behaviors that indicate a high IQ. Source: Freepik

Experts reveal seven bizarre behaviors indicative of a high IQ. Geniuses such as Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein confirm this with their bizarre habits.

So just because a person likes to talk to themselves or adores clutter, it doesn't mean they're a weirdo. Numerous studies link such behavior with a high level of intelligence, writes DailyMail.

7 strange behaviors indicative of a high IQ: Darwin and Einstein confirm it

Much is known about the bizarre behavior of outstanding geniuses, particularly Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin. However, their high intelligence was hidden behind the screen of bizarreness. According to scientists, a person's everyday actions have a big impact on his IQ and can even change his thinking.

Psychologists have identified seven oddities that, in their opinion, are signs of genius.

1. Talking to yourself

Experts assure that if a person talks to himself, he is not crazy. In fact, it can be a sign that he is an intellectual.

Although this behavior is somewhat irrational, there is considerable evidence that it has significant cognitive benefits, including better memory, confidence, concentration, etc.

A team of US researchers showed participants 20 pictures of different objects and asked them to find any particular one. The scientists found that people who talked to themselves while looking at the image were able to identify the object more quickly.

And a study by British scientists found that our brains act in the same way as the brains of monkeys. That is, when a person mumbles something to themselves, they activate separate visual and auditory areas of the brain for a specific task.

2. Staying up late

7 strange behaviors indicative of a high IQ: Darwin and Einstein confirm it

Research suggests that owls actually have higher IQs than early birds.

Experts analyzed data from 26,000 adults and found that late risers scored significantly higher on cognitive tests than early risers. Owls got 13.5% more results than early risers.

Many geniuses, including Darwin and Marcel Proust, are known to have been nocturnal.

3. dreaming

7 strange behaviors indicative of a high IQ: Darwin and Einstein confirm it

Immersion in dreams is often seen as absent-mindedness. But scientists say it's actually a sign of intelligence and creativity.

A study by Eric Schumacher, an associate professor of psychology at Georgia Institute of Technology, found that people who daydream more often score higher on intelligence and creativity tests.

MRI also showed that these people have more efficient brain systems.

4. A life of disorder

7 strange behaviors indicative of a high IQ: Darwin and Einstein confirm it

Some people can't stand clutter. However, the desktop of highly intelligent people is often a real mess.

A team of scientists decided to find out why this is so. They placed study participants in an untidy and tidy office space and asked them to come up with new ways to use ping pong balls.

The researchers found that the participants from the messy room came up with more creative and interesting ideas.

A disordered environment inspires a release from tradition, which can yield fresh ideas. An orderly environment, on the other hand, encourages safe and familiar ideas," said Kathleen Voh, the lead scientist of the experiment.

5. Ask lots of questions

7 strange behaviors indicative of a high IQ: Darwin and Einstein confirm it

Curiosity is one of the most common signs of smartness, because the mind is always seeking to understand the world around it. It also means that a person is constantly learning and wants new information.

Some may find it annoying, but for people with high IQs, insatiable curiosity is natural.

As Einstein said, "I have no special talent. I'm just passionately curious."

6. Being an introvert

7 strange behaviors indicative of a high IQ: Darwin and Einstein confirm it

Many geniuses are known to hide away to work or think in peace and quiet.

Studies have shown that introverts tend to engage more deeply in cognitive processing than extroverts. They tend to think more carefully and critically, which may be associated with a higher IQ.

Introverts also tend to prefer activities that require focus and sustained mental effort, such as reading and research, which may contribute to intellectual development.

7. Read a lot

7 strange behaviors indicative of a high IQ: Darwin and Einstein confirm it

Persistent readers are constantly learning new information and increasing their vocabulary. Reading is a workout for the mind.

And reading also helps strengthen mental concentration, imagination, and the ability to empathize with others. People who read a lot are constantly developing their intelligence, so they are likely to have a high IQ.

It is known that geniuses simply did not get out of libraries.

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