
Private detective named 20 signs that you are being cheated on

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The detective claims that all traitors lie in the same way

Adultery or infidelity in a relationship can be a huge shock, so many people try to play it safe and not miss the alarm. According to psychologists, one of these signals can be excessive suspicion of the partner, who, feeling guilty, begins to look for the innocent party.

Meanwhile, detectives have their own, more pragmatic approach to the problem. Tom Martin, a former federal agent and now a private investigator and owner of his own detective firm, told The Independent that cheaters usually act in a stereotypical way and follow the same patterns of behaviour.

The expert named as many as 20 signs that clearly indicate infidelity. According to Martin, if you notice one or two of these signs, you shouldn't worry - it could be a coincidence. The cause for concern arises when four or more of the items on the list come to life.

The expert named the most alarming signs as an increase in the length of the working day, more frequent business trips, a decrease in the amount of sex or a defensive reaction from the partner. You should also pay attention to new gym classes or your partner's sudden passion for buying new clothes. This may mean that he or she is working on their attractiveness, and the goal of these efforts is someone else.

So, here's a complete list of warning signs from Tom Martin:

  1. Your partner's habits change.
  2. He or she starts leaving home early and returning late.
  3. Business trips become more frequent.
  4. Your partner starts missing family holidays and parties.
  5. Suddenly, he or she is working a lot of overtime.
  6. The partner's expenses increase, and the purpose of the expenses is unclear.
  7. He or she sets up secret social media accounts and email accounts.
  8. The partner starts hiding credit card bills.
  9. Self-care becomes part of the daily routine or increases in intensity.
  10. Your partner smells unfamiliar, such as perfume or traces of make-up on their clothes.
  11. He or she buys gifts that they hide the purpose of.
  12. Unexpected items begin to appear in the partner's belongings, such as condoms in the glove compartment of the car.
  13. He or she suddenly signs up for a gym membership.
  14. You can see missed calls from an unfamiliar number on your phone.
  15. Encrypted or secret text messages are sent to the messenger.
  16. There is significantly less sex in a couple.
  17. The partner's answers become evasive, and his or her behaviour can be described as constant self-defence.
  18. The partner is lying and it becomes obvious.
  19. His or her behaviour becomes short-tempered and impatient.
  20. The partner becomes nervous about unexpected visits and meetings - you walk in without knocking or giving any warning.

However, according to Martin, one of the most important indicators of danger is your intuition. Usually, people who know each other well can tell when their partner is lying. However, the detective warns against panic in such situations and jumping to conclusions, as this can "jeopardise valuable relationships through unreasonable anxiety".

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, the psychologist named factors that, if properly addressed, can strengthen a marriage. But they can also destroy it if they are used incorrectly.

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