
How to wear shoes without socks: an effective summer tiphook

Alina MilsentLife
How to wear sneakers without socks

Sneakers in summer are advised to wear with socks made of natural fabric - it is necessary to avoid chafing and unpleasant odor. But there is a category of those who in the warm season fundamentally refuse to wear socks. Some people do not like that the socks look out of the shoes, others argue that it is more comfortable to wear barefoot in sneakers.

An interesting, but slightly unusual tiphack for those who prefer to wear sneakers without socks is gaining popularity on social networks. A blogger from TikTok offered an extravagant alternative, showing on her page an original way to prevent chafing and sweat odor. It does seem a little strange and even ridiculous, but it's worth noting that it has a lot of admirers.

The blogger suggested using feminine hygiene products - scented daily pads. In the video you can see that the girl takes a sneaker and a daily pad, tears off the protective film and glues the "daily" over the insole.

This hygiene item absorbs moisture, so it prevents unpleasant odor, and the soft surface will save from chafing if the pad is glued to the back of the shoe.

It is difficult to say whether this advice really works. The reactions of those who have already tried the tip are quite mixed. Some assure that the "daily" in the shoe is a great idea. Others share amusing comments about life situations: hygiene products can fall out of sneakers at the most inopportune moment, and others sometimes do not hide their surprise when they have to take off their shoes at a guest and expose the glued inside of the shoe pad for public viewing.

In the past OBOZREVATEL told us what sneakers are in fashion in 2023 and what to wear them with in order to look luxurious.

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