
Perseids will bring new challenges and victories: how they will affect all zodiac signs

Perseid meteor shower

The Perseids are a meteor shower that forms the constellation Perseus. These are brilliant giant space rocks that move slowly but suddenly disappear. This phenomenon occurs from 17 July to 24 August every year.

Astrologically, this event is an annual reminder to confront conflicts in our personal lives. Astrologers have compiled a horoscope that will help you understand this in more detail.


It's time to invest in your business. It can be not only money, but also emotions and feelings. You need to focus your efforts on one area. You're scared to try something new and get out of your comfort zone. But in August, you can take on this challenge.


You love freedom and independence and Perseus will bring it to you in August. If you want to gain more freedom and control, then give up ideas and things that bother or hinder you. This may shock your family or friends, but to find your purpose, you need to be able to say no.


Duality is the norm in your life. You crave freedom, but at the same time you focus on renovating your home or changing your space. While you don't quite know what you want, your plans and ideas are gradually changing and will lead you to a different place than you expected. Change is inevitable, but you shouldn't be afraid of it.


The Full Moon in Aquarius will force you to question some of the views you've held about the world. Open your heart and challenge your ideas about relationships, work and spiritual development. Give yourself space to grow, even if it means you were wrong in the past.


Small things that don't matter, such as a comment or someone's opinion, can be exaggerated. Be yourself and try not to take anything too seriously. Embrace good things and enjoy life.


During the Perseid meteor shower, remember your past. Look through old photos or talk to an old friend. This will help you move forward. At the end of August, when the Sun moves into Virgo, it will be your lucky and stellar time.


Throw a party and don't be afraid to socialise with others. Review your social circle and make sure that people really support and appreciate you. If not, thank them and move on.


It's not easy to let people into your life, and this meteor shower will force you to face this conflict. It could be a conflict with a romantic partner or family. Try to resolve this problem as soon as possible. Your dedication will help you deal with it.


Your ruling planet Uranus is now waning, which can lead to increased confidence but also a desire for freedom. This will help you focus on your entrepreneurial skills, but it will also make you think twice about your impulsive decisions. If you're not sure, it's best not to rush into anything.


You are a reliable friend and partner and people rarely question your intentions or words. This may change as Mercury in Leo will bring unexpected discussions and questions. Try not to withdraw into yourself. Stick to your values and don't give up your needs to save others.


It's a busy time for you as your ruling planet Uranus goes retrograde on 11 August. This retrograde will bring more internal changes and conflicts. On 15 August, you'll have a full moon in Aquarius, which can also lead to heightened emotions. Take care of your mental health.


Your ruling planet Jupiter will help you in your career during this meteor shower, as well as increase your material wealth. This is a great time for you to express yourself. You are a sign that really values emotions and feelings, and this leads to deep connections with others.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL published a horoscope where several zodiac signs are in for serious problems in August.

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