
How to clean your bathroom to a shine: three quick and easy ways

Olena RasenkoLife
You can clean your bathtub with baking soda and vinegar to a perfect clean in just a few minutes.

Vinegar, baking soda, dishwashing detergent, and shaving cream can help you clean bathroom surfaces quickly and effectively. In addition, their use does not require large costs.

The cleaning secrets were shared on the Instagram page of Australian blogger Chantel Mila, who has already gained more than 600 thousand followers with her life hacks (to watch the video, scroll to the end).

So, she suggested making a cleaning solution: add half a glass of ordinary vinegar and two spoons of dishwashing detergent to a spray bottle and fill the remaining part with warm water. This liquid can be used to clean glass surfaces and the sink. Then rinse with water until it shines.

The Australian woman also shared a two-step method she uses to unclog the bathroom drain. She pours one cup of baking soda down the clogged drain and then pours a cup of vinegar directly on top. After 10 minutes, the drain can be flushed with water.

Mila also has a tip on how to neutralize odors in the bathroom. First, she sprays shaving cream on the base of the toilet bowl and adds hot water to make a paste. Then she just wipes the cream and water mixture with a mop..

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