
Five unexpected benefits of giving up dairy

Yulia PoteriankoLife
We are used to thinking that dairy products are healthy, but in fact, this is not entirely true

Dairy products are traditionally considered to be among the healthiest on our table. For example, drinking kefir daily can have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract as it improves the intestinal microflora. And cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein.

But, according to ArchZine, milk can be of real benefit to children only. At a young age, it is well absorbed by the body. But an adult's body is no longer so well adapted to digest milk and dairy products. Therefore, nutritionists advise us to look for nutrients that we usually get from milk in other foods. Here is a list of five rather unexpected health problems that can be solved by giving up milk.

Stop headaches

Five unexpected benefits of giving up dairy

If you sleep well, are not under constant stress, do not abuse coffee and limit your alcohol intake but migraine-like headaches still plague you, try giving up dairy products for a while and see how your body reacts. It is known that aged cheeses contain tyramine, a substance that affects the condition of blood vessels, which can cause headaches. Other fermented dairy products are also among the factors that provoke this type of pain.

Stabilize the emotional background

Five unexpected benefits of giving up dairy

Some studies point to a correlation between dairy consumption and the severity of symptoms in people suffering from various neuropsychiatric disorders. Researchers are inclined to believe that the milk protein casein can trigger an immune response in those suffering from depression, increased anxiety, and even autism and schizophrenia that exacerbates the manifestations of these illnesses. It is likely that the reason may also lie in the hormones contained in milk. Therefore, those who have already had enough of the emotional roller coaster ride and want to stop it are also advised to try a dairy-free diet before starting to correct their condition with drugs.

Get rid of bloating

Let's return to the issue of milk digestion. Approximately 65% of adults are physically unable to digest the milk sugar lactose. The condition when the reaction to this substance is particularly pronounced is called intolerance. In this case, even a small portion of ice cream or a sandwich with butter can make you feel very unwell. But even if these symptoms are not too severe and you still regularly notice abdominal discomfort, dairy may be the cause.

Get rid of skin imperfections

Five unexpected benefits of giving up dairy

The fact that you do not digest milk well can be noticeable on your face. The hormones contained in this product can aggravate acne. This skin disease does not require masking cosmetic defects but rather thoughtful treatment, one of the methods of which is a properly selected diet.

Suffer less from various types of inflammation

Milk is a powerful allergen that overloads the body's immune system and, as we have already seen, can cause various unpleasant reactions and conditions. Accordingly, your body may be more vulnerable to the development of all kinds of inflammation after consuming milk.

How to find out if milk is the cause of your health problems

Five unexpected benefits of giving up dairy

As with any other allergen, you can determine that it is milk and dairy products that are harming you by temporarily avoiding them. Eliminate milk from your diet for a month. At the beginning of the diet, remember, or better yet, write down your symptoms and start monitoring your condition according to the indicators that bother you the most. If your health improves significantly in a month, and you have more energy, then you are not mistaken and milk was harmful for you. Try to find healthy and tasty alternatives to it. In fact, it's absolutely possible.

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