
How to peel a pomelo in a few minutes: three basic tips

Victoria ZhmayloFood
A new fruit has appeared on our market. Source: Freepik

Pomelo is one of those fruits that appeared on supermarket shelves recently. It is a very healthy and vitamin-rich fruit wrapped in a dense, rather thick skin.

It is almost impossible to peel a pomelo by hand. That is why many people simply refuse to buy it. However, thanks to the useful hacks from FoodOboz.ua, anyone can cope with this task.

How to peel a pomelo in a few minutes: three basic tips

First method

This method of peeling the pomelo is considered the most popular of all as it requires a sharp knife only.

1. Wash the fruit and dry it with a paper towel.

2. Cut off the top and bottom of the fruit.

3. Make longitudinal cuts on the fruit skin. There should be at least 4 of them.

4. Remove the cut pieces of peel with your hands.

5. The white film covering the pomelo slices can be easily removed with a knife.

Second method

1. Wash the fruit and dry it with a paper towel.

2. Make a single circular cut with a sharp knife along the entire fruit, cutting through the skin and the white part of the fruit.

3. Pull the parts of the peel in different directions, releasing the fruit from the peel.

4. Divide the pomelo into slices and enjoy the taste.

How to peel a pomelo in a few minutes: three basic tips

Third method

1. Wash the fruit and dry it with a paper towel.

2. Cut off the top and bottom of the fruit.

3. Cut the pomelo into slices.

4. On each circle, make a cut in the skin and simply pull it off the fruit.

There are other useful life hacks on OBOZ.UA:

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