
How to boil milk properly so that it doesn't burn: life hacks from Yevhen Klopotenko

Iryna MelnichenkoFood
What to do to prevent milk from burning
What to do to prevent milk from burning

Milk is a healthy product that can be used to make milk porridge, added to pies, and pancakes, and simply drunk boiled or raw. It can also be used to make yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese.

Culinary expert Yevhen Klopotenko shared on his website useful tips on how to boil milk properly so that it does not spoil.

It is best to boil milk on the first day of purchase

Klopotenko noted that it is best to do this over medium heat and stir constantly until it boils.

"Slow stirring and heating help keep the water, carbohydrates, fat, and protein in the milk together. Stirring should continue even after the heat is turned off, when the milk cools down, to prevent foaming," the chef said.

What to do to prevent milk from burning:

1. Take a clean, thick-bottomed steel dish and pour boiling water over it before pouring in the milk, which will help prevent the milk from burning.

What to do if the milk is burnt:

"If the milk does burn, you need to pour it into another pot so that it doesn't absorb the burnt flavor," explains Klopotenko.

How to boil milk without foam

1. You can boil the milk, strain it through cheesecloth, pour it into a jar, and leave it to cool.

2. If you boil the milk and leave it in a saucepan to cool, a crust will appear on top. It can be carefully removed with a spoon after it has cooled completely.

3. As soon as the milk begins to boil, whisk it with a whisk, then remove it from the stove and whisk it again after 5 minutes. After quickly cooling it, you can put the pot in a bowl of cold water, stirring occasionally to prevent foam from forming.

4. Milk can still be boiled even in a slow cooker. To do this, rinse the bowl, pour the milk into it, set the "Milk Porridge" mode and the time to 30 minutes, but do not close the lid of the slow cooker, and be sure to put a ladle or spoon in it so that the milk does not "run away".

It is best to store the finished milk in a dry, clean jar.

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