
How and with what to clean the refrigerator from yellow stains: 3 popular ways

Tetiana KoziukFood
How to clean the refrigerator and what to use. Source: Pexels

The refrigerator is undoubtedly one of the most important pieces of household equipment in the kitchen. But just like other kitchen appliances, it can lose its appearance. The biggest problem is the appearance of yellow spots on the plastic shelves where the food is stored.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information for you and will share three folk ways to help you clean your fridge from yellow spots.

How to properly wash plastic shelves in the refrigerator

Method 1. Alcohol

According to housewives, this method guarantees a pretty good result. To do this, you just need to moisten a cotton pad in ethanol and wipe the yellowed surface. Do not forget to follow safety precautions when working with alcohol: ventilate the room and protect your hands with gloves.

How to clean the refrigerator from yellow stains

Method 2: Vinegar

But keep in mind that table vinegar 9% is unlikely to help. You need a special 70-80% vinegar essence. But just remember to follow the same safety precautions as in the previous case.

Method 3. Hydrogen peroxide

This tool is advised to be used in advanced cases. Application technology:

How to clean a refrigerator at home

1. Clean the surface from dust and grease.

2. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the surface.

3. Rinse the treated area with water and wipe it off.

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