
"Old ladies with Tryzub attacked me and wanted to kill me": Okhlobystin's nonsense about how he almost died in western Ukraine

Okhlobystin promotes hatred of Ukrainians. Source: Propaganda media

Ivan Okhlobystin, the star of The Interns and an ardent Putinist, decided to talk to his followers about why he has so much hatred for Ukraine. The actor made a nonsense story about how he almost died at a disco in Lviv back in the 90s.

In the city of Lion, the propagandist allegedly met "old ladies with Tryzub, veterans of the Banderite movement" and other people who scared the hell out of him. He wrote about this on his Telegram channel.

It is worth explaining that the devils mentioned are not just a figure of speech, but literally Okhlobystin's position, because after a trip to Ukraine, he began to imagine that there was a "devil in the patriotic slogans of Ukrainians."

"In 1980, there were 20,000 living veterans of the Bandera movement. In 1989, I was in Western Ukraine (western Ukraine - ed.), and there were already old ladies standing there with trident in their hands, and it was a miracle that my friend and I were not stabbed at a disco," the Russian lamented.

Explaining why he so fiercely supports the war that he himself almost died in the occupied Ukrainian territories, Okhlobystin issued two fakes.

The first one that "triggered" him was a story about a priest who was allegedly killed by a rocket fragment in 2014. It is unclear who this man was whose rocket took his life. Okhlobystin himself was also a clergyman in the past, before he started calling for the genocide of Ukrainians.

The second absurd "reason" for the Russian's hatred is a favorite fake of propagandists about "people burned in Odesa in the Trade Union Building." The tragedy is still being hyped up in the Russian media, speculating on the topic to make Ukrainians look like Russophobes and murderers.

"Then something clicked in my head, and the Rubik's Cube was formed. This is how my current story began," the Putinist concluded.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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