
Lolita is about to be imprisoned for participating in Nastya Ivleeva's "naked party": she is accused of insulting Russian occupiers

Miliavska and her Putinist friends were caught for participating in a scandalous party

For the second day in a row, Russia has been discussing the Moscow party hosted by TV presenter Anastasia Ivleyeva with an "almost naked" dress code, where the country's "elite" of terrorists and traitors to Ukraine were seen. All of them, including singer Lolita Miliavska from Zakarpattia, are demanding to be imprisoned.

The argument of disgruntled politicians and "patriotic" organizations is the same: "insulting" the Russian occupiers. They say that terrorists in Ukraine are risking their lives by seizing foreign territories, while in the rear they dance with bare buttocks instead of promoting "traditional" values.

At least three organizations have appealed to various authorities to detain, publicly shame, force apologies, and imprison the party participants, including Philip Kirkorov, Dima Bilan, Ksenia Sobchak, Sergey Lazarev, and others.

"The so-called bohemians have insulted the soldiers who are protecting the well-being of the country's civilian population at the cost of their lives. Their actions are offensive to the entire society, which is watching with concern what is happening in the special operation zone," wrote MP Nina Ostanina to the Russian Prosecutor General.

The Russians are demanding the introduction of a law on "insulting the norms of morality that are characteristic and traditional for their society" that would provide for criminal liability.

Other "patriots" also demanded to check all the participants of the celebration and punish them for "LGBT propaganda". They argue that the stars who came to the party in vulgar outfits were spreading narratives banned in Russia.

For example, activists of the organization "Call of the People" called the party "the epicenter of scandalous entertainment at a time when Russia is waging a Special Military Operation and standing up for traditional values." They were most outraged by Kirkorov's rhinestone outfit, as only gays wear sequins in Russia, the organization said.

Vitaly Borodin, head of the Federal Project for Security and Anti-Corruption, said that Ivleeva's party, where Lolita climbed on all fours and guests showed off their bodies, was "real sodomy, obscurantism, LGBT propaganda."

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