
Bill Clinton vs. Monica Lewinsky. 10 photos that show the essence of the most high-profile sex scandal of the 20th century

10 photos that show the essence of the most high-profile sex scandal of the 20th century

In 1998, one of the largest political scandals broke out in the United States. It was connected to the intimate relationship between 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky and 48-year-old President Bill Clinton. Although the head of state ended up being acquitted and impeached, it completely destroyed the young girl's career and forced her to leave the country.

Monica Lewinsky was an intern at the White House from 1995 to 1996, but this was enough time for the sexual misconduct lawsuits to last until 1999 and end with the president's resignation. On Levinsky's birthday, who turned 51, OBOZ.UA decided to recall the most important photos of the MonicaGate case.

In October 1996, Bill Clinton embraces an intern at a Democratic Party fundraiser in Washington, DC. At that time, no one knew about a possible personal relationship between the married US president and a 22-year-old girl.

On September 21, 1998, the U.S. House of Representatives introduced this photo as evidence in the case.

Throughout the investigation, Clinton denied having any sexual relations with his colleague. In a televised speech at the end of January 1998, he said: "I did not have a sexual relationship with this woman, Ms. Lewinsky."

This court case was of great interest to the public, so the special prosecutor Kenneth Starr answered reporters' questions that same month.

Law enforcement officials learned that Lewinsky had at least 12 close contacts with Clinton. During the trial, the smallest and dirtiest details of the former president's personal life were analyzed. The main arguments in the investigation were gifts and a blue dress with traces of the politician's semen on it.

Linda Tripp, a former White House staffer who befriended Monica Lewinsky and who released secretly recorded conversations between her and Lewinsky, testified before the press.

For the White House intern, this story marked the end of her career, severe media and online bullying, and long-term therapy with a psychologist. During the trial, she couldn't safely go out because of the huge number of journalists.

Journalists stayed near the White House almost around the clock to be the first to report on the details if they emerged live.

On February 1, 1999, Monika Lewinsky was sworn in before the court to testify.

Nevertheless, she eventually managed to escape the stream of hate and began to build her own life from scratch. And although her name is still associated with Bill Clinton's impeachment and everything that preceded it, Lewinsky learned to use it to her advantage.

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