
At the age of 21, he earned money on a car: singer ENLEO named his first salary and told how he was "thrown" for money in a bar

ENLEO named his first salary. Source:

The popular Ukrainian singer ENLEO, whose real name is Nikita Leontiev, told about his first salary. The young performer shared that when he was a teenager, he received 200 hryvnias for a performance in a small bar. Then he took his father's advice to save money, and at the age of 21 he was able to buy a car.

According to the former participant of the talent show "The Voice", he earns all his money in life only through music, but at the beginning of his career he had some problems with this. The artist was "thrown" for money after appearing on stage in one of the establishments. This was reported exclusively for OBOZ.UA by the press service of the New Channel.

"I got my first job when I was 15. I had a small performance in a bar and got 200 UAH for it. Since it was quite a long time ago, it was not bad money for the first time. I didn't spend it, I saved it. My dad advised me to buy dollars and save. I did just that. And now this piece is in my car. Because after those 200 hryvnias, I continued to raise money and eventually bought a car," he told ENLEO backstage at the game show "Who's on top?"

Nikita Leontiev said that when he first started performing in small venues, he faced an unpleasant incident. One of his employers left the young artist without a salary.

"Before that concert, by the way, I had another small performance in another bar. But they didn't pay me there. They just 'threw me out'. But it was still an experience," the singer recalled.

At the age of 18, the artist began teaching vocals and guitar, and at 20, he taught those who wanted to beat the rhythm on the drums. ENLEO admits that some of his students were surprised by his young age, but after the first lesson, they realized that everything was fine.

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