
Why Britney Spears often doesn't sleep for three days, dances with knives, and shows her naked body: 5 interesting facts about the 2000s pop icon who turned 42 today

Darya SkubEntertainment
What kind of antics Britney Spears scares her fans with.

The legendary American singer Britney Spears had a turbulent youth (she shaved her head, used drugs and alcohol, crashed cars and lashed out at people). Do you think she has "outgrown it"? She seems to be living quietly in her own home, but she continues to disturb her fans with her strange antics.

What exactly does the artist do and how can we interpret her behavior? Is it a mental health problem, a way of expressing herself after being controlled by her father for decades, or something else? We have prepared answers to these questions in an OBOZ.UA article in honor of Britney's birthday. On Saturday, December 2, she turned 42.

1. Why does she make videos with strange dances?

During her hospitalization in 2019, Britney Spears was diagnosed with incurable nerve damage on the right side of her body. This was reported by Rolling Stone. "When I was there, I wasn't breathing. The nerve damage caused numbness in parts of my body... Three times a week I would wake up in bed and my arms would go completely numb... It felt like pins and needles on the right side of my body. It shoots up to my neck, and my temples hurt the worst..." the celebrity shared what she has to live with.

The pop star added that dancing is her medicine because it allows her to breathe, "When I dance, I don't feel pain. It's like my mind goes to the place of my inner child. And even though I don't move like I used to, I believe it gives me strength."

I wonder if the shocking images she posts online give her strength. For example, on September 26, 2023, Britney Spears posted a video of herself dancing with knives in her hands. After seeing this, fans expressed concern about the idol's mental health. Some even called the police to the star's house to find out what was going on. Then, according to NBC News, the authorities conducted a health check on Spears. "It's exaggerated (accusations of mental health problems - Ed.). She was expressing her freedom in this way, as she continues to do," an insider close to the singer told the publication.

After the incident, Britney wrote on Instagram that the knives were fake, and she was imitating the dance of her favorite singer Shakira. It is hardly believable considering the fact that the celebrity uses knives a means of defense. She lives in "mortal fear" that "someone will come in the middle of the night, tie her to a gurney and take her to a psychiatric ward."... The truth is, none of us will know how these videos do or do not affect the star's mental health. One thing is for sure: if her videos make you uncomfortable, the best option is to simply click the "Unsubscribe" button.

2. Why she made a scandal in a Los Angeles restaurant

In early 2023, Britney Spears caused a scandal in a restaurant in Los Angeles. The star was angry that other patrons were paying too much attention to her, and she lost it. As soon as the star started screaming, her husband Sam Asghari (now her ex-husband) immediately left the restaurant. Subsequently, the media began to spread information that Britney had a "manic disorder." This is despite the fact that there is no official confirmation of this diagnosis anywhere.

Caroline Strawson, a positive psychology coach and somatic therapist, says that living in the spotlight means that Britney is probably recovering from severe stressful situations: "A lot of us don't realize that trauma is stored in the body, waiting like a time bomb to go off the moment something triggers you."

Why Britney Spears often doesn't sleep for three days, dances with knives, and shows her naked body: 5 interesting facts about the 2000s pop icon who turned 42 today

Psychologist Tony Ortega is convinced that the star simply hasn't recovered from her father's long (and strict!) control, "She's still trying to come to terms with life after her custody ends. This can provoke reckless behavior... Brittany has to relearn how to behave in social situations." It should be noted that it was after the termination of her guardianship that Britney became known for her bizarre antics on social media, where she dances in front of the camera in revealing outfits. The audience's reaction is a drug for her.

3. Why does she often flaunt her naked body?

Now, after her father's custody was terminated, Britney Spears is free as a person and is trying to get high from life. One of the manifestations of her "freedom" is seen on Instagram. These are video broadcasts and videos/photos without clothes or with a minimum number of things (in a short top and revealing underwear). For example, in November 2023, Britney Spears got in touch with her fans completely naked. "Good morning," she said, smiling.

Why Britney Spears often doesn't sleep for three days, dances with knives, and shows her naked body: 5 interesting facts about the 2000s pop icon who turned 42 today

How does the artist herself comment on these spicy images? "I want you to understand my thoughts about nudity. It's because I came into this world naked. I want to see myself the way I was born. The desire to see myself in my purest form shows that pain, tears and heavy burdens are not who I am. I am a woman. A beautiful, sensual woman who needs it. No, I'm not going to be topless for the rest of my life. It will get boring. But it helps a lot when you need to be enlightened," she wrote in one of her posts, which she later deleted.

And what does Tony Ortega say about the constant desire to get naked on camera? "Britney Spears is a global phenomenon, not only because of her unforgettable musical lyrics but also because of her battles with mental health and subsequent custody drama. You wouldn't wish that kind of fame, mental illness, and family split on your worst enemy. It would likely have long-term negative consequences for anyone."

4. Why she abuses caffeine and doesn't sleep for three days

Another one of the artist's habits that surprises her fans is that she often drinks dandelion tea and energy drinks (coffee, Red Bull, Celsius), which help her stay awake for up to three days in a row. The star is constantly afraid that she will be placed under guardianship again. This was reported by TMZ. Celebrity addiction specialist Drew Pinsky commented on this addiction, "People with mental illnesses 'gravitate' to these stimulants to keep their energy up. But it's not healthy."

Why Britney Spears often doesn't sleep for three days, dances with knives, and shows her naked body: 5 interesting facts about the 2000s pop icon who turned 42 today

5. How isolation from people affects her

The movie TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Prince of Freedom states that the singer often isolates herself from other people, despite the fact that she is not under guardianship anymore. This explains why she has so much time to actively maintain her Instagram page. "When you have a mental illness and you isolate yourself or decide that you have to do it (stay at home - Ed.), it's bad. You can react only to yourself. You're in your head all the time," psychiatrist Charles Sophy said in one of the fragments of the film.

Why Britney Spears often doesn't sleep for three days, dances with knives, and shows her naked body: 5 interesting facts about the 2000s pop icon who turned 42 today

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote about the age of Britney Spears' heirs and how the singer's naked photos affected her relationship with her children.

Only verified information is available on OBOZ.UA Telegram and Viber. Don't fall for fakes!

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