
"Who will return the killed people and animals? And cities, psyche?" Irma Vitovska reacted sharply to the idea of peace talks with Russia

Irma Vitovska commented on the idea of peace talks with Russia. Source: Photo from open sources, Getty

Famous Ukrainian actress Irma Vitovska has spoken out sharply about the idea of peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. The star emphasized that although she does not have a unanimous answer to this question, she understands that Ukrainians paid the price with their lives.

The actress shared her opinion in an interview with the Mezha media outlet. The journalist asked Vitovska whether she agreed with the opinion of some of her compatriots that we should make concessions to Russia for the sake of peace.

The celebrity noted that this topic is extremely difficult and requires reflection, in particular, the question is "how to win back" the territories. She added that "probing people's opinions" is currently underway.

''Who will return the killed people and animals? And cities, psyche?'' Irma Vitovska reacted sharply to the idea of peace talks with Russia

Regarding the version of the negotiations when Ukraine joins NATO but "gives" Donbas and Crimea to the invaders, the artist admitted that she does not understand the "point" where the border will be drawn. "And secondly, I doubt that Putin needs it. What has he won then? That is, we are going back to the way things were before 2022, the Russian language is already protected by the Constitution here, like any minority language. And what the fuck was it then?" the actress commented.

''Who will return the killed people and animals? And cities, psyche?'' Irma Vitovska reacted sharply to the idea of peace talks with Russia

She continued: "And where are our people, our cities? Where are the reparations? What was that place where you killed so many people, so many children?" Vitovska added that no one will return to Mariupol residents with children, animals, lost housing, Ukrainians under the rubble, and missing people. "Who will bring back the crippled, maimed, and morally and psychologically damaged people?" the guest emphasized.

''Who will return the killed people and animals? And cities, psyche?'' Irma Vitovska reacted sharply to the idea of peace talks with Russia

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