
Russia steals Ukrainian show created by Yevhen Synelnykov and his wife Natalia, who barely managed to leave Bucha in 2022 after two-week occupation

Russians stole a Ukrainian show created by Yevhen Synelnykov and his wife Natalia. Source: Press service

Once again demonstrating their inability to create unique content, the Russians insidiously stole Ukrainian project "How the World Sounds... Ukraine" developed by Yevhen Synelnykov and his wife Natalia. The aggressor country's act is particularly cynical because in 2022, the celebrity couple barely managed to leave their hometown of Bucha after a two-week occupation. The enemy turned their house into ruins.

According to the couple, the new format travel show allows the audience to get to know their homeland better not only through visuals but also through sounds that convey the special atmosphere of each place. The Russians were inspired by the unique concept and released a similar video to the original project on one of their YouTube channels. OBOZ.UA learned about this from the couple's press service.

Russia steals Ukrainian show created by Yevhen Synelnykov and his wife Natalia, who barely managed to leave Bucha in 2022 after two-week occupation

"If you look at the Russian channel's production, it's obvious that they stole the very idea of creating content that presents unique sounds. The title is also strangely reminiscent of How the World Sounds... Ukraine. However, unlike the original Ukrainian travel show, hosted by a talented Ukrainian composer and sound producer Yevhen Filatov, the Russians engaged a host with no particular creative achievements who only superficially explored sounds," the couple commented on the incident.

Russia steals Ukrainian show created by Yevhen Synelnykov and his wife Natalia, who barely managed to leave Bucha in 2022 after two-week occupation

In addition, Ukrainians noticed that the developers of the Russian version of the travel show left out one of the most important detailsm "While in our version the project ended with a music track based on the collected sounds, they simply ignored this element."

Russia steals Ukrainian show created by Yevhen Synelnykov and his wife Natalia, who barely managed to leave Bucha in 2022 after two-week occupation

According to the couple, the insidious act of the Russians proves once again that Russia is not just stealing Ukraine's territories, history and culture, but is also unable to create anything truly unique.

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