
Nina Matvienko's 8-year-old granddaughter repeated her mother's fate: how it happened. Video

Tonya Matvienko shares how her daughter Nina followed in her footsteps. Source: Instagram @tonya_matvienko

Ukrainian singer Tonya Matvienko, the daughter of legendary singer Nina Matvienko, has shared how her 8-year-old daughter repeated her fate. According to the star, Nina Matvienko, who was named after her grandmother, had a difficult reaction to the death of a loved one.

As Antonina said, she is glad that her daughter spent a lot of time with her grandmother as a child. 8-year-old Nina often looks at her photos.

"She was seven when my mom left. (I - Ed.) just told her that my grandmother had died and that we should go say goodbye to her. It was very hard for her," the singer says, "I know it was important to my mom."

This year, Nina sang her grandmother's song for the first time to honor her memory. "My mom was given a posthumous award - National Legend of Ukraine. She was scared, of course, but I was so proud of her," the artist said. The celebrity noted that her daughter followed in her footsteps - Tonya first sang with her mother at the age of 10.

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