
Max Barskikh "understood" Oleh Vynnyk's quirks and honestly admitted whether he speaks Ukrainian in real life

Max Barskikh spoke out about Oleg Vynnyk and admitted whether he speaks Ukrainian in real life

Famous Ukrainian singer Max Barskikh spoke out about his scandalous colleague Oleh Vynnyk, who left for Germany after the full-scale invasion and disappeared from the information space for more than a year. There are rumors that the idol of the "wolves" is planning to return to the Ukrainian scene. Barskih noted that he does not follow Vynnyk and his "lame stuff," but does not consider it necessary to condemn or criticize him.

According to the singer of the hits "There Will Be Spring," "Fogs" and others, one cannot blame anyone for "showing weakness at a certain moment." Barskikh himself always tries to put himself in the shoes of a person to understand why he did the "wrong thing." He shared his thoughts in an interview with blogger Bohdan Bespalov in cooperation with OBOZ.UA.

"I am not a fan of Oleg Vynnyk and many others who made some mistakes. But we should not condemn people. People do certain things. I also used to be able to accuse someone of something, but over time I learned to just think: "Okay, you don't understand this person's actions, but try to put yourself in their shoes." I'm not trying to justify anyone... If Vynnyk announces a concert and people come to it, why not? If no one comes, it will be an indicator. I just don't like it when people start hating people because they showed weakness at a certain moment," the singer commented.

Max Barskikh ''understood'' Oleh Vynnyk's quirks and honestly admitted whether he speaks Ukrainian in real life


Barskih also honestly answered questions about the language he speaks in everyday life. After the full-scale invasion, the artist gradually switched to Ukrainian in public space. He began releasing Ukrainian-language songs and translating his old hits. However, the star did not hide the fact that he has not completely gotten rid of the Russian language. In particular, he speaks it with his mother from Kherson. He explains this as a matter of convenience, but emphasizes that he still plans to become 100% Ukrainian-speaking someday.

Max Barskikh ''understood'' Oleh Vynnyk's quirks and honestly admitted whether he speaks Ukrainian in real life

"If I am spoken to in Ukrainian, I also respond in Ukrainian. To be honest, my mother, for example, cannot be changed. She has been speaking Russian all her life. It will be strange in communication, so in everyday life I can sometimes communicate in the way that is more convenient for me. But I try to speak Ukrainian more and more," Barskih admitted.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that Bogdan Bespalov shared insider information about Oleg Vynnyk's return to the Ukrainian stage. The artist is allegedly preparing for a European tour, which will be held "under the sauce of charity". Read what we know about it in the article.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall forfakes!

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