
Impersonating someone other than himself: it became known where the scandalous "psychologist" Spartak Subota actually studied

Spartak is called a swindler

Recently, the network was stirred by an investigation into a popular psychotherapist and author of the Podcast Therapy show, Spartak Subota (real name: Alexander Subota), who, as it turned out, had been leading clients by the nose for a long time and hiding his education. He pretended to be a psychologist and a doctor when he had not yet received any accreditation. In addition, the man did not study at Bohomolets University, as he had previously claimed.

Telegraph decided to find out what kind of education the man actually had and where he got it. Thus, the Bogomolets University did not confirm that the so-called psychologist has a diploma from this medical university.

The rector of the institution stressed that the administration of the Bogomolets National Medical University "does not have information about the education of Oleksandr Subota". Instead, there was information that the man had studied at the Drahomanov University. The rector of the educational institution, Viktor Andrushchenko, convinced the authorities of the truth of the information.


It is also noteworthy that for five years Subota had been positioning himself as a candidate of psychological sciences, although he did not have this degree. It was only in April last year that the Ministry of Education issued an order to award him a PhD. But the first mention of this title appeared in 2017.

Moreover, it is suspected that Spartak did not write his research papers independently, as his theses from articles sometimes contradict those voiced on podcasts. Although earlier, the star "psychotherapist" claimed that his materials were published in Sorus. But this also turned out to be a lie.

Recently, OBOZREVATEL reported that the YouTube show Podcast Therapy, hosted by Spartak Subota and his comedian friend Yevhen Yanovych, was officially closed. The latter admitted that he knew some of the facts presented in the exposé.

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