
How to wear a bandana: 5 creative ways that will make you a style queen

Darya SkubEntertainment
Stylish ways to tie a bandana.

If you like monochrome clothing without patterns or stylish accents - you can't do without accessories. They will play a key role in the image.

Try to experiment not only with jewelry or bijouterie. Complement your bow with a silk scarf - and it will be spectacular. And how to do it better - read the article from OBOZREVATEL.

1. The bandana on your neck

Roll up the bandana in a thin strip and tie it around your neck. The ideal combination would be with a blouse or a loose-cut shirt. Put on top of it an oversize jacket, leather or denim jacket. Wear pumps or ballet flats on your feet.


2. Cowboy Style bandana

Roll up the accessory in a triangle and tie it up like cowboys. Complete your outfit with large earrings, a hat, and a jacket with loose-cut pants. That way you're sure to become a street style star.


3. Bandana instead of belt

Tie a kerchief on jeans, skirt or pants. So you will emphasize your waist line and make a non-trivial image. It is best to style such a kerchief with monochrome things. It can be a beige shirt and pants, a green blouse and a skirt. In a word, experiment.


4. Bandana-Hoop

Wear a bandana on your head instead of a headband. This way you will accentuate your facial features and well-groomed hair. The clothes in this case should be as laconic and neutral as possible: a simple cut, in a calm color scheme and with a minimum of other accessories.


5. Ponytail with bandana

Tie it low or high in the ponytail with an elastic band, and decorate the top with a rolled up in a thin strip handkerchief. The ends of the accessory can be either short or long. This stylish device will give a dynamic image. It will be perfect if the color or print of the scarf is identical or similar to the pants, jeans or skirt.


OBOZREVATEL previously wrote about the fashion lessons that made Audrey Hepburn a style icon.

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