
Putin can level Ukraine to the ground, he cannot win, - Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski

Sophia ZakrevskaWorld
Radoslaw Sikorski called to help Ukraine and not to let Putin win

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski urged not to lose vigilance over Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian dictator can level Ukraine to the ground with the hands of his military, so he must not be allowed to win this war.

Sikorsky said this in an interview with Der Spiegel. To prevent this from happening, our partners must now help Ukraine repel the aggressor country.

"Putin wants to go down in history as the new Peter the Great. If he wins, he will raze Ukraine to the ground and conscript its people into his army, using them as a base for new wars. And then it will be much more expensive to restrain him or fight back than to help Ukraine now," the diplomat emphasized.

Sikorsky noted that Putin is now actually competing with half of the free world. In his opinion, even though Russia spends almost a third of its budget on weapons, it cannot win.

"Putin believes that our ideas about democracy and dialogue are a demonstration and that relations between states are regulated only by force. Therefore, he understands only the language of force. With this thought, he is taking the path of the Soviet Union. The latter failed because it participated in an arms race with the West, which led to its collapse," the minister reminded.

As for the threat of a possible Russian attack on Poland or the Baltic states, Sikorski believes that now is not a new 1914, when a new world war is possible, but rather 1938. In his opinion, the current situation is more like the period before World War II. The world will have to fight back against the imperialist dictator that is Putin, because he cannot be allowed to win.

The Polish Foreign Minister also tried to predict the consequences of losing the war for Russia.

"Experience shows that such defeats force reforms. Remember the First World War: there was the February Revolution, the overthrow of the tsar and, for a short moment, the government of Alexander Kerensky, the only liberal government in Russia. After the loss of the Cold War, there were changes," he said.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Russian President Vladimir Putin should not be given platforms to spread his propaganda. The leader of the aggressor country must be defeated, not helped, the diplomat said, comparing the leader of the aggressor country to Adolf Hitler.

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