
Armed Belarusian military man crossed the Polish border, he tried to cut the fence

Sophia ZakrevskaWorld
Belarusian military officer crossed the border of Poland

A Belarusian soldier crossed the Polish border, trying to cut the fence. He was detected by the monitoring system in the vicinity of the village of Dubicze-Cerkiewne. The offender managed to escape.

This was reported by the Polish edition of RMF FM on September 5. The RB military officer was wearing a military uniform, balaclava and had a weapon.

After he was spotted, a patrol was immediately sent to the place, but the Belarusian military man, having seen the Polish border guards, ran away.

"As the RMF FM correspondent found out, the soldier did not manage to cut the span of the fence, it was only slightly damaged. It is unknown whether the military man acted on his own," the report says.

Armed Belarusian military man crossed the Polish border, he tried to cut the fence

As this fence stands on the Polish side of the border, Polish officers drew up a protocol for the penetration of a military man from Belarus into the territory of Poland. All the details of the incident are being investigated.

It is noted that this is the first case when a Belarusian military officer in uniform was caught while cutting the fence. Previously, there have been similar cases of destruction of structures, but then the damage was caused by plainclothes officers, who were most likely Belarusian border guards.

Belarus recently accused Poland of violating its airspace as a Polish Mi-24 helicopter allegedly flew into the territory of Belarus. Warsaw said that these statements were a provocation.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL:

- In case of a "serious incident" Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will suspend the functioning of all checkpoints on their border with Belarus. This decision was made against the backdrop of the fact that there has been a risk of illegal migration across the Belarus border in recent months.

- The Latvian government continues to rapidly strengthen the defense of its border with neighboring Belarus. Riga is using metal and concrete structures known as "dragon's teeth" and is also considering installing anti-tank mines along the perimeter.

Only verified information we have on our Telegram Obozrevatel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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