
It is extremely valuable: what role the A-50 aircraft, which was shot down over the Sea of Azov, plays in the Russian army

Ukrainian Air Force destroys valuable Russian aircraft

The A-50 long-range radar detection and control aircraft, which the Ukrainian Air Force shot down over the Sea of Azov on January 14, is very valuable to the Russians. It is used to locate targets during massive shelling of Ukraine and is worth at least $330 million.

However, the modernized version is worth $500 million, and in this case, it could be the most expensive loss of a terrorist state in a full-scale war after the Moscow cruiser, which cost $750 million.

It is extremely valuable: what role the A-50 aircraft, which was shot down over the Sea of Azov, plays in the Russian army

The A-50 is equipped with a radar system that can detect distant air targets, see launches of both cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as air defense operations. Russia has used this aircraft, in particular, to detect and combat Ukrainian air defense. In particular, it was used for this purpose during massive Russian missile attacks against Ukraine.

In addition to tracking air defense, the A-50 also monitored the locations of Ukrainian aircraft, mapped strategic defense targets, and adjusted missile strikes.

On the evening of January 14, monitoring channels reported the destruction of an A-50 over the Sea of Azov and damage to an Il-22. The network also published a radio interception of an Il-22 pilot trying to land in Anapa (Russia), asking for firefighters and an ambulance.

After these events, on the morning of January 15, the commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Mykola Oleshchuk, made an interesting hint with the words, "This is for Dnipro!".

Later, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, confirmed that the Air Force had destroyed Russian A-50 and Il-22 aircraft in a well-planned and executed operation in the Azov Sea.

It is extremely valuable: what role the A-50 aircraft, which was shot down over the Sea of Azov, plays in the Russian army

As reported, the same plane was hit at the Machulishchy military airfield in Belarus on February 26, 2023. The front and center parts of the aircraft were damaged, as well as the avionics and radar antenna.

The attack was carried out by Belarusian partisans using two drones. The plane was an easy target due to its size. The organizers of the sabotage successfully escaped.

Only verified information is available on OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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