
The occupiers brainwash Ukrainian children in the captured territories: NRC explains the enemy's goal

The occupiers brainwash children in the captured territories of Ukraine

To brainwash Ukrainian children in the temporarily occupied territories of our country with propaganda, Russia has begun to involve its soldiers. So-called "volunteers" work in Ukrainian schools as "mentors", giving children "lessons about war."

The key subjects are now Russian language and history, and in some places they have replaced the exact sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry. The details were disclosed by the National Resistance Center.

"The collaborators began to actively involve the military and 'volunteers' of the Russian army to brainwash children and raise them to be Russian patriots. That's why the militants of the Dnipro group recently gave a lecture on the war to students of Novosofiivka school in the temporarily occupied Kherson region. Such 'lectures' are far from isolated incidents. They are rather systematic events," the statement said.

At the same time, the occupiers focus on lessons of the Russian language and history distorted in accordance with the Kremlin's narratives. Their children are forced to learn it even at the cost of cutting off other subjects.

"Now the main subjects in schools in the occupied territories are Russian language and history. Children are forced to study the deeds of their grandfathers and the great Russian 'language' all day long. Math, physics, or chemistry are sometimes out of the question as there is a critical shortage of personnel for educational institutions. We are talking primarily about high school teachers and representatives of the administration of educational institutions. This is because most teachers in the occupied territories refuse to cooperate with the occupation authorities," the Center emphasized.

As for the school management, the invaders appoint not professional people but those who support the Russian occupation.

"The occupiers do not hesitate to appoint former laboratory assistants or even janitors as school principals or deputy principals. We remind all collaborators that you will be convicted for cooperation with the occupation authorities in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. We urge you to report all the information you know about the occupiers, collaborators and Russian troops to the anonymous chatbot at the link," the representatives of the National Resistance Center addressed the Ukrainians in the TOT.

Earlier, the National Resistance Center said that the occupiers are forcibly evicting Ukrainians from Hola Prystan, Kohany and Hladkivka. People are not allowed to take anything but hand luggage with them. And Russians are being settled in their homes. This long-standing Moscow practice aimed at changing the ethnic composition of the enslaved territories is one of the signs of genocide.

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