
Russia continues to hold more than 400 Ukrainian women in captivity: many of them are civilians

More than 400 Ukrainian women are held captive in Russia. Source: Koord_shtab/Telegram

The aggressor country Russia is holding 403 Ukrainian women in captivity, including many civilians illegally captured by the occupiers. Their detention does not comply with the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

This was reported by the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War on Telegram on Friday, May 24. According to the institution, there are also women whose fate has been unknown since 2014, as well as missing persons.

"The Russian side responds to numerous appeals demanding the return of enslaved women with silence, ignoring all calls," the headquarters noted.

They stated that Ukrainian women who returned from Russian captivity told about humiliation, inhumane conditions of detention, inadequate nutrition, inability to receive medical care and contact with relatives.

Russia continues to deny the International Committee of the Red Cross access to places where prisoners and civilians are held in the temporarily occupied territories, as well as in the territory of the Russian Federation. There are about a hundred such places in total.

"The Ukrainian side has repeatedly offered Russia to release women first, but representatives of the aggressor country are engaged in manipulations, including the publication of various lists. But behind all this lies an unwillingness to continue the exchanges," the Coordination Center noted.

Russia continues to hold more than 400 Ukrainian women in captivity: many of them are civilians

As reported, the head of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople, Patriarch Bartholomew, called for an exchange of military personnel between Ukraine and Russia. According to him, it is necessary to exchange prisoners "all for all".

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